
Aug 27, 2011 15:57

It's always seemed strange to me that so many Evangelical Christians support Israel, when so many of them are also so rabidly anti-Semitic. (Martin Luther called Jewry "an incorrigible whore and an evil slut" and advocated sending Jews to forced labor camps ( Read more... )

politics, religion

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Comments 11

websagacity September 2 2011, 19:24:14 UTC
Yes, but that is a very small sect of a very Orthodox set of Jews.


madscience September 2 2011, 19:44:42 UTC
Yes... but all it takes is one to plant the seed of an idea in the minds of a frighteningly large sect of Evangelical Christians.


websagacity September 2 2011, 19:58:57 UTC
So very true.
How've you been, man? Its been like 5 years! I actually ended up living in Indiana for awhile - are you still there?


websagacity September 2 2011, 20:00:25 UTC
Bah, shoulda checked your profile. AZ now. I was in Vegas for awhile - kinda miss the desert - I really liked the climate there.


hannahsarah March 19 2012, 09:13:05 UTC
Hi, I hope you don't mind, but I followed you here from the politicalcartoons community. I like the way your brain works!

I'm Orthodox Jewish, but not particularly pro or anti Zionist. I am, however, very anti Israeli government at the moment, so I won't be moving there any time soon. Once they decide to actually defend themselves and quit relying on the US for every little thing, then maybe I'll consider it a "real" country. Right now, it's just a hot mess.

Would you mind if I added you to my flist? I think your rational and balanced views would add a lot to our conversations. My friends are mostly centrist conservatives, socially liberal, racially mixed, with a few intelligent and respectful liberals mixed in. It's an ecclectic bunch, and a lot of fun.

Oh, and I talk a lot about how awesome my kid is. Feel free to comment or scroll past, as you wish.


madscience March 19 2012, 14:50:00 UTC
Feel free to add me, but I don't post in my journal much anymore. WYSIWYG.


hannahsarah March 19 2012, 15:34:52 UTC
OK! I didn't want to add you without introducing myself. That seems kinda stalkerish (stalkery? Need moar coffee, I'm making up words!).


madscience March 19 2012, 15:39:10 UTC
People add me all the time without introducing themselves. I just assume they're spambots.


merig00 May 30 2012, 03:52:35 UTC
I'm not strong on evangelical theology but could it be because there's a prophesy that when all jews gather in israel something will happen? Like a rapture or second coming of jesus or whatever?


madscience June 9 2012, 21:26:20 UTC
Yeah... there are some Christians who think they can make Jesus come back by fulfilling (their own interpretation of) the prophecies of Revelation. This includes the Jewish Temple being rebuilt at its original location in Jerusalem (which would require the destruction of one of Islam's most sacred sites) and the destruction of 1/3 of the biosphere and extinction of 1/3 of all animal species (three cheers for anthropogenic climate change!) Hal Lindsey is probably the best known of these lunatics, with his ridiculous book The Late Great Planet Earth.


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