
Jul 18, 2011 22:13

A point eloquently made by Slashdot user causality:

When some kid at school is acting like a total dipshit to everyone else and the authorities don't care, the solution is not to ask him politely to stop. The solution is to give him a black eye, then ask, then give him another if he refuses.While I would place emphasis on the "authorities don't ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

rimpala July 19 2011, 05:51:03 UTC
Of course authorities can't do this, any teacher that would give a student a black eye would find themselves fired pretty quickly.


madscience July 19 2011, 07:58:29 UTC
That's probably true. But this is about when vigilantism becomes justified in the absence of an appropriate (or any) response from authorities.


madscience July 20 2011, 19:13:52 UTC
It's also about vengeance with random forgiveness being an optimal strategy, both for individuals and the system as a whole. Gandhi said an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind; he obviously never studied game theory. But I have, and I'm happy to "be the change" by kicking ass when appropriate.


rimpala July 20 2011, 19:57:42 UTC
Just take caution, school yard bullies is one thing but in the workplace it's a different story all together. Violence will just land someone with a lawsuit.


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