HP accepted early

Feb 25, 2010 20:54

Title: If Harry Potter were Accepted Early
Author: Madsci
Archive: here, if want me on your archive, please ask first

Chapter 12

It was Harry’s first DADA class of his second year, and he was still really tired, as he’d somehow gotten roped into one of the Twins’ schemes involving Filch. He had gotten a piece of old parchment out of Filch’s file cabinet, though when he said his name, it started writing to him. This freaked him out enough that he hadn’t slept, even after locking it in his trunk.

He attributed his responses to his mental state when Prof Lupin asked him if he was boring him about 5 minutes before the end of class.

“No, uncle Moony…” he muttered. After he realized what he’d said, he scrambled to apologize. “I’m so sorry, Professor.”

“Stay after class for a few minutes, Mr. Potter.”

Harry, thinking he was in trouble, mentally moaned, but answered calmly, “Yes, sir.”

When class was over, Remus led him to his office.

“You remember me? I haven’t seen you in 8 years.”

“What are you talking about? Is this about what I called you? I don’t know where it came from…”

“Given how close you seem to be to Minnie and Snape, I’m surprised you never heard of the Marauders…”

That night at dinner, Harry went over to the Gryffindor table.

“Fred, you remember that piece of old parchment we found in Filch’s cabinet? Well, I know what it is now. It’s a map of the school made by my dad and his friends, including…Professor Lupin. It’s called the Marauder’s Map.”

“No. Way. Our cousin Ralphie told us about them! They created mayhem wherever they went; they’re our idols.”

The next week was Quidditch tryouts for all houses. Ced was going for Seeker, and despite Harry’s distaste for the game, he loved to fly, or watch others fly, so he sat in the stands to watch.

When the results were posted, that Cedric was the starting Seeker, beating out the starter from last year, Harry and Percy both congratulated him.

“Are you still going to have time to finish the reading for the muggle courses, with the new time constraint?”

“I don’t see why not, we spend time getting ahead in our magical studies, I’ll just devote some of the extra Transfiguration practice time to finishing those novels. Percy, how’s the comparative politics thing going? I’m thinking about starting that one once I finish more of the Literature readings.”

As the others discussed the politics course Percy had started at the beginning of term, Harry thought about what had started the whole thing.

Harry had gotten almost a month ahead on his essays, and it was only March. He therefore decided to spend some time reading up on Biology, as he planned to take the term test his first week at the Wyatt summer session.

He’d just pulled out the book when Percy asked, “You had a book like that while you were visiting. What’s it for?”

“Remember how I said I was doing my Muggle accreditation in parallel with the Magical? This is one of the texts for the test I’m taking in a couple of months.”

Cedric looked pensive, and Percy asked, “Do you think having Muggle preparation in politics or how to manipulate perceptions would help me get a job at the Ministry when we’re done?”

“I don’t see why not. Even if it didn’t put you at the top of the stack initially, in actually getting the job, you’d have better preparation to impress your boss, and therefore allow you to rise faster. Do you want me to look into self-study programs for you?”

Both nodded, promising to give him lists of what sorts of things they wanted to do, for Harry to base his choice of three or four topics to study.

Harry decided to arrange for Cedric to study Literature, Geography, World History, and Politics to O levels. Percy was going to take Politics, Sociology, and Maths. After that, it was up to them.

Harry couldn’t sleep, and he’d finished all his homework for the next two weeks, so he dug out the Map. He looked around at his friends, finding Cedric and Percy, and checking on Aunt Minnie and Sev. He was immensely confused by the appearance of another name right next to Percy’s. It shouldn’t be there, as according to Moony and the old Daily Prophets, the man had been mash for almost 8 years. He’d ask Moony, as he had Defense first.

“Moony, is it possible for the Map to have glitches, because I saw Peter on the Map up in Gryffindor Tower last night.”

Eyes wide, Remus took the Map to inspect the spell work, in case it had degraded, or James had added some kind of trip charm to show up if a blood relative used the Map.

Nothing was wrong, so he asked, almost afraid to hope, “Does someone in Gryffindor have a pet rat, or have they reported rodent damage there?”

“Percy has Scabbers, he said he’d had him for years, since Ginny was a newborn, so late 1981...You don’t think…Were Dad and the others Animagi? Was that their gift for you?”

Silence reigned for a few minutes, until Remus asked in a rush, “Do you know what Percy has first? Does he carry the rat everywhere, or does he leave him in the dorm during classes?”

“He has Charms first, I think. And he carries Scabbers around on days he doesn’t have Potions. So today he should be in Percy’s pocket. Do you want to wait until his Defense class after lunch, or go talk to Aunt Minnie?”

“Run get Minnie. She’s better at the revealing charm. Besides, we need a witness. And if Snape’s still in the Great Hall, maybe you should get him too.”

Returning with Percy and Minnie a few minutes later, Harry took Percy over to one corner while Remus and Minnie conferred. A few minutes later, she turned to Percy.

“Mr. Weasley, may I see that rat? There is some question about its identity.”

Immediately, Scabbers started to squirm, so Harry cast Petrificus Totalus, nodding to Percy to hand over the rat.

Minerva put a barrier charm around the top of the teaching desk and cast the revealing charm. The rat grew larger and larger, gradually losing its tail and hair, revealing it to be a pudgy, balding man in grayish-brown robes.

“Hello, Wormtail, you little rat,” Remus sneered.

“Remus! Its good to see you.”

“Don’t greet me so familiarly…Minerva, get Snape and Kingsley, we need Veritaserum.”

early entry, hp

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