
Oct 16, 2007 14:58

Wulf: *at home with bad cold and upset stomach ( Read more... )

transformers, sillyness, fanfic

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Comments 11

spotts1701 October 16 2007, 16:21:31 UTC
They really need to start putting warning labels on that stuff:

"Caution: Do not surf the internet while taking this medicine, as it may cause unusual and strange thoughts."


randomvacancy October 16 2007, 16:31:10 UTC
...I envy you, you know that?


madra_liath October 16 2007, 17:15:26 UTC
For being off work, or for having a weird brain? :P


randomvacancy October 16 2007, 17:26:00 UTC
Well, both, really, but I meant your imagination. Mine doesn't do anything nearly that fun. :p


madra_liath October 16 2007, 17:30:52 UTC
Aw, thanks!

Unfortunately my imagination also takes me to peculiar places (points to Minerva McGonagall meets Optimus Prime post).


tripathy October 16 2007, 18:17:31 UTC

Now when I'm at the Canadiens game tonight that'll be in my mind all night!

I think the next BotCon should be here. You know, in honour of this being Peter Cullen's hometown and all. *nod* Yes.


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