
Sep 23, 2007 22:32

Well, I promised dracothelizard I'd do this, so here goes:

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meme, fanfic

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Comments 4

matrixrefugee September 23 2007, 22:12:14 UTC
Title: Please to be feeding the hungry Exile
Fandom: The Matrix Online. passing reference to "The Matrix: The Path of Neo"
Rating: PG
Characters: Sieges, and her Exile symbiont Morraeon
Prompt: #3 "Does Anything Eat Wasps?"

A wasp flew past Sieges's head as she perched on the parapet of a building, cleaning one of her sub-machineguns. The movement caused the Exilic program coded into her head to stir and awaken and mutter hungrily.

"That was a wasp, don't get your talons in a knot," Sieges said.

Fee. Fie. Fo. Fum, Morraeon, the Exile twitted back. 'Bout time one of us got her dinner

"Well, I don't think wasps are what you're looking for: they'd be kind of small..."

Heh... Wonder what they'd taste like if they were big enough for me to bother with?

"Probably sort of crunchy, I'd imagine. I want to think our liege Monsieur le Merovingien has some sort of Exiled bug-programs somewhere in his domain."

Oooh, maybe they'll get uppity and I'll have to go in and teach 'em a few manners...

"Please, you're making me nauseous."


madra_liath September 23 2007, 22:15:19 UTC
Haha, excellent!


Not brilliant, but I couldn't resist. kankurette September 24 2007, 22:40:08 UTC
Title: Songs Of The Heart! Michiru's Foray Into Irish Music
Fandom: Sailor Moon
Rating: PG
Characters: Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon), Luna, Minako Aino (Sailor Venus), Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury), Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter), Michiru Kaiou (Sailor Neptune), Haruka Tenou (Sailor Uranus), Rei Hino (Sailor Mars)
Prompt: 8 (100 Irish Ballads)

Usagi Tsukino had just spectacularly failed her maths test and was crying her little eyes out. "My mom's gonna kill me! And Shingo will laugh and call me 'Baka Usagi' again!" she wailed.
Luna, her faithful cat, rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to scratch her owner, and was about to offer some advice when Ami, Makoto and Minako appeared. "Hey, Usagi-chan! Look what we've got!" crowed Minako.
"Tickets to see Michiru-sama in concert! She's going to be playing selections from 100 Irish Ballads - you know, the concept album by the Three Lights?" said Minako breathlessly. "I saw Haruka-sama earlier and she was raving about She Moves Through The Fair. Said it made her cry. And Setsuna-sama's ( ... )


Re: Not brilliant, but I couldn't resist. madra_liath September 24 2007, 22:50:05 UTC
Please accept these props, milady!


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