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Comments 6

aficoncubine March 17 2006, 22:35:19 UTC
Please out up a copy on the gaff_lj, all must see! :0


madra_liath March 18 2006, 00:08:31 UTC
As I said in the 'Celebrian' thread, it'll either go up here, under a big-ass disclaimer, or it might get its own LJ - complete with appropriate colour scheme and whatever themed icons I can be arsed to make - and go up there, under a big-ass disclaimer. Either way, I'll post the link in the Celebrian thread and one on gaff_lj.


hortensio March 18 2006, 19:37:52 UTC
Keep posting bilingual posts.


madra_liath March 19 2006, 00:08:11 UTC
I'll definitely post them more often. Keep the chuid Gaeilge from getting too rusty.

(watches your icon all the way through) So that's what E.Coli looks like.


hortensio March 19 2006, 04:39:36 UTC
There's the cool rudder thingies, and, li3k, it's so l33t that it must have been Designed by a Designer!

...is "Intelligent Design" at all on the radar in Ireland? I'm sure nobody's quite as hysterical about it there as they are here, but is it on the radar at all?


madra_liath March 19 2006, 18:48:41 UTC
...is "Intelligent Design" at all on the radar in Ireland?
Not at all. Which is strange, given that most of our schools are still run by the Catholic Church.

What we do have is a debate (still on the fringes, I'll admit) about whether religious education should still be taught in schools. It wasn't such a big deal before this latest wave of immigration - Protestant kids either went to Protestant schools or got to study while the rest of us had RE - but now that we have a growing Muslim population (probably others, too, it's just the Muslims are the most visible and vocal), it's more of an issue.


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