Fandom quote meme!

Oct 26, 2007 23:09

Meme robbed from moon_very_thin

Directions: Post 10 favorite quotes from any of your fandoms. Your f'list will then try and guess which fandom the quotes are from...extra bonus brownie points if they can also guess the episode/volume and/or the character who said it.

1. "Now, this may sting just a little, but don't worry - that'll go away once the searing pain kicks in. You can scream if you like."

2. "I knew she had it in her. She's gonna be the one who puts me in a home."

3. "There was no wild party! Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go catch my naked friend."

4. "I'll be whatever I wanna do!"

5. "I *wasn't* thinking, I was watching Midsomer Murders."

6. "Oh look, it's Bonehead's mom."

7. "Silence! I'm psycho-flexing!"

8. "Well. I guess the child's a pot roast now."

9. "And you must talk to him. Tell him that he is a pretty cat, and a good cat, and..."

10. "You are either lying, or you're stupid!"



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