madman101 Aug 08, 2016 01:10
music - musical trends, economics - statism, mathematics - predictive models, my predictions and prophesies, economists - dent harry dent, economy - coming crash, economics - quantitative easing, economy - global unrest, economics - climate change/ global warmi, economy - economic trends, economy - fiat dollar, economy - interest rates, all * trends / predictions, presidents - trump donald trump, economists, economy - banks / banking, economics - wealth inequality, economy - u.s. dollar, economists - schiff peter schiff, predictions and prophesies, american dream /entrepreneur- usa, economics - zombienomics, foundation for economic trends, clinton - hillary clinton - and see pres, economy - quantitative easing (qe), art - trends in art, end of world, economics - llinks, all * climate change, economics - political change, +++, environ - climate models/ predictions, catholic - popes - francis, economy - trade: tpp/ ttip/ceta/tisa, economics - and environment, economics - keynesian, social trends / pop trends, trends / global trends, economics - dollar collapse, prophesy - and see predictions and proph, economics - collapse, economy - monetary policy, politics - political trends/annalysis
madman101 Mar 25, 2013 00:29
economy - currency - fiat, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y, economics - cooperation vs competition, my cfs - (and see health - cfs...), economics - quantitative easing, economics - commons, economy - bitcoin/ cryptocurrencies, economics - entropy, books - 'wizard of oz' symbology, economics - opportunity gap, eco-solutions / eco-alternatives, economics - capitalism, s- 'money' (series) (economics), economics - counterproduction, economy - solutions, nether people, economics - wealth inequality, economics of time and ignorance, economy - overproduction, economics - externalised costs, economy - history, economics - gold / silver / coins, answers, -posted to economic_sanity, -posted to rebuildthedream, economics - currency - 2-tier, economics - reaganomics, economics - labour and capital, all * entropism, -posted to monopologic, entropy / econ and see econom - entropy, economy - petro-dollar / petrodollar, economics - dysfunctionalism, economics - co-commodel, economy - military-industrial pentapus, +++, cryptocurrencies/ bitcoin (and see econ), economics - economies of scale, economics - currency - fiat, history - economy, economics - keynesian, my global solutions, economics - co-ops / coops, economics - 2-tier system/s
madman101 Sep 02, 2012 18:30
all * mob psychology, male and female, bullying - bullies and sheeple, economics - quantitative easing, end of world, my parables, ++, gender roles, economics - and gender, psychology - bullying / bullies, books - 'lord of the flies', bullying / bullies - and see psych, my colourful posts, economics - micro
madman101 Jul 13, 2012 13:11
economy - tarp / stimulus bills, economics - gold / silver / coins, economy - banks - morgan chase bank, economics - greece, economics - quantitative easing, all * entropism, economics - vicarious competition, economic rants, economics - dysfunctionalism, economy - banksters/ banksterism/ agenda, economics - banksters/ banksterism/ agen, economics - wall street, my rants, economics posts, economics - austerity, money-changers i.e. gangster banksters, economy - banks / banking, drug runners, countries - greece, economics - virtual scarcity, economics - euro bailout