Feb 14, 2023 09:22

I awoke at around 2:am, because dog was up and shaking his very loud fur.  Then I managed to fall asleep again, figuring I'd be up at 3 or 4, but it was 5 before I awoke, with a little brain pain and strain in the migraine.  I started thinking about making an alternate currency.  And it was based on how much I like this little 100 gram silver thing.  So perfect for bartering.  (Btw - The price of silver is still slowly dropping.  (Now $22.07).

100 grams silver - (presently selling for ~$87.  If sold at spot value, let's see - my mind is too fuzzy to figure it out..)

Here's my concept...

Roughly, One UNIT will be worth one gram of silver will be equal to one of today's USA dollars. but that won't as long.  The figure will remain based on one gram of silver, (as converted to whatever currency).  However, this fact will be hidden.  Why?  Because it was made illegal to create any alternate currency, within the USA, based on gold or silver!

Aside: Currency in use today are often based on how hours a person does work for another.  This is the concept behind Ithaca Hours, e.g.  Ten hours of work mean ten Ithaca dollars, or such.  These units of currency are not translatable, formally, to USA currency, and are basically regarded as empty Monopoly money by banks and the government.  They only mean something in a community wherein the members decide to trust each other and regard their "hour" currency to be real.  They are basically little informal contracts to help each other, but then carried forward to use elsewhere, including to "spend" on goods that farmers grow or artisans make.  But they don;t OFFICIALLY represent money.  Rather they are officially regarded as records of barters.

There are many other forms of alternate, fantasy currencies.  These would become essential to a community should, e.g., the dollar become useless.  At least the internal activity of a community could proceed in an organised and rational fashion, free floating apart from the former USA dollar economy.  It could even be made true money, in defiance of the newer, digital USA economy, but would then be shut down by the Feds.  Which would be easy to do, because it is fantasy money.

Most of the fantasy money in the USA was created by anarchists and liberals.  These days, however, they are no longer being encouraged by Dems, since the 2030 Agenda is to crash the USA dollar and create a universal digital currency, (CBDC), so that everyone can be monitored and manipulated by governments, (and thus be depopulated in various ways).  There is a new type of currency, now extant in NV, UT and OK, which are OK'd by the state's governments.  These are represented as paper bills with an extremely fine coating of gold on one side.  They are allowed some very limited legitimacy by those states.  Notice that these are all conservative states.

This goldback, being sold as a curiosity at $5-$6 across the USA, is actually only "worth" a dollar within the state of Nevada.  Contain 1/1000 oz .999 fine Gold but not legal tender.  It is not legally convertible to a dollar, like some other country's official currency, e.g.  Should the dollar crash, however, the value of the gold on the paper will rise, relatively, which will keep these notes valuable, along with any continuing acceptance of them by local communities.  Even though the amount of gold plated on these is so minuscule, it probably isn't even worth as m uch as the paper itself, the gold still has symbolic and collectible value.  So, it would still rise, despite the fact that it really isn;t worth anything by weight.

So, the things is, how do you make an alternate currency based on gold or silver, but not really based on gold and silver?  With greenbacks, the value of the gold plating is almost nil.  So they can't be said to be based on gold.  In the future, if the value of gold skyrockets, then they might get a little closer to seeming to be "based" on gold.  Not sure when the point might come where they would seem so based on gold that the Feds would try to shut them down.  If that point ever came.  idk.  For now, the gold on them is symbolic.  Yet enticing.  It's not entirely nothing.  So, greenbacks are not based on gold - but they kind of symbolically are?

My idea goes like this...  Base the new alternative currency on one gram of silver, but don't tell anybody that.  The time will come when a gram of silver will be sold for a round a dollar, anyway.  And, in that time, this can be pulled off.  Overtly, the new UNIT will be based on one-five things which consistent tend to equal the value of silver, over time, and through history.  Not sure what those would be, but, for example's sake, lets say each UNIT equals a brick.  Assuming that bricks cost about an ounce of silver, (or maybe a dollar now), in the USA.  A community could just overtly say that each.  Then it could find someone willing to "sell" them 5,000 bricks for 5,000 of these officially fantastic UNITS.  And then they build some little community building out of the 5,000 bricks.  The completed building may end up with a USA dollar value of $20,000.  Not sure how that would be assessed or taxed, via conventional law/standards.

As the value of silver rises, so does the USA (and community) value of bricks.  So, it remains hidden that the UNITS are not based on bricks but on silver.

Or, every UNIT could be hidden behind the general, extended value of, say, three eggs.  Or one potato, two potato.  Eggs and potatoes will become more rare in the USA economy, and so their $/CBDC values will go up.  If that happens, their values should also rise as silver rises.  Generally.  However, since these values purport to be the representative of the UNITS, then this problem occurs: Say each UNIT is assumed to be a potato (but is really a gram of silver).  The USA dollar price of silver goes up, but it remains thought of as the same in the community economy.  If the community value of a potato does not rise because of a rise in silver, then that means that someone in the community could buy up 5,000 potatoes with 5,000 UNITS, and turn around and sell those on the USA market, to make themselves, say, $20,000 USA dollars.  Thus, all the potatoes, and other perishables in the community, would soon be eaten away by "black market" sellers to the USA market.  That is the problem with having currencies be based on perishables, or unstable things.

But our UNITS are secretly based on silver, not potatoes.  What happens when silver still equals one UNIT, but equals $10 USA dollars because of inflation, (dollar-relative-to-silver), so that a USA potato is worth $5 USA?  Is the community going to say that the UNITS are now worth a $5 potato, or are they going to continue to maintain, quietly, that each UNIT is worth one gram of silver, (ergo only a fraction of a potato, relative to the USA dollar)?  There are two solutions here.

First, (1) overtly base the currency on something/s more stable.  And also, (2), alter the value of those things within the community, as the value of silver changes, (esp. relative to the USA dollar).

1 - A basket of things would be used.  And they should be stable things.  (As stable as possible).  And they should be things that on-the-land people would find meaningful or helpful to them and their survival.

A stable backing means something/s the supply of which is not easilly manipulable.  Gold is both relatively rare, arduous to mine, and commonly appreciated.  It's value is pretty stable, compared to things like crops, which fluxuate with the weather.  And are so common and cheap that it would be difficult to lug around any meaningful value of them.  Imagine using a currency based on bales of hay.  When it came down to it, people or banks would have to walk around exchanging shitloads of hay just to get anything done.  Impossible.  And then anyone could start growing more hay, to make themselves rich, but then crashing the value of hay for everyone, and causing a depression.

Can you think of five stable, compact things that farmers value, which would total in value somewhere around a USA dollar?  I cannot, at the moment.  Maybe some measure of copper, a measure of salt, a measure of sugar - it's hard to think of some.  Candles?  I think a bullet costs well over a dollar.  Maybe we should trade in dog biscuits.  But, you can denominate the UNITS, overtly - (remember, they are still secretly based on silver) - on fractions of the values of bigger, more expensive things.  Like, maybe a 100th of a cured leg of lamb or something?  A 100th of a pound of soap?  Too perishable.  A 100th of some measure of potassium?  Ivermectin?  Water?  Wood?  Matches?  Cigarettes?  Vodka?  Clay?  Morel mushrooms?  Marijuana?  Cheese?  Cheese could be a good one, as it is not insanely perishable.  Maybe wine?  Superglue?  idk.

But they should be things that won;t disappear, should the wider economy collapse, or the wider population become decimated.

It might be that Bill Gates makes chicken eggs so rare that one egg will equal one dollar soon.  That would be worth thinking about.  Except that people in the community would start overproducing eggs and so ruining their own local economy.

I think cheese is a somewhat good idea.  It could be regulated within.  Especially if the community were to be in Wisconsin or California.  Where cheese actually does grow on the trees.  And they pick it and make cheese wine out of it.  And the babies drink it and become giant lumberjacks.

2 -  You could still just overtly base each UNIT on, say, 5 or 10 minutes of personal labour or services, and then change the minute-age as silver changes.  I think maybe dividing a UNIT-base between these two things might be best: make it the average value of (A) - the 5 base commodity measures, and, (B) - 10 minutes of personal labour or services.  Added together and divided by two.  That would work nicely.  And be a great smokescreen.  While, behind the scenes, the community's bank would be adjusting the overt value to whatever a gram of silver was worth. Which wouldn't take a lot of doing - no seriously wide relative USA price variations would be occurring, most of the time.

I am not exactly sure how many states might presently allow alternate currencies to be based on anything physical, at all, though.  Research must be done.

What would be the process of adjusting the values pretending to back the UNITS, (which will henceforth be called Cheesebacks), to maintain the reality tat each Cheeseback is actually represents a gram of silver?  (In other words, if someone brought a Cheeseback in to their local anarchist bank, the banks would hand them a gram of silver in exchange, theoretically.  And no one would have to know).  First, be reminded that the difference bewteen the overt backing and the covert silver backing won;t differ a lt, anyway.  So, it isn't entirely cheating, really.

The process would be like blockchain, a little.  It could be kept up via computer.  And then pronounced by the bank as such-and-such a value every 3 months.  And this would be the actual time the value would be corrected.  The statement would be something like: "We now deem 6 minutes of labour to be worth so many USA dollars, and also equivalent to the values of our five cheeses, the amounts of which shall now be..."  I.e., the portions of cheddar, and brie, and Parmesan, and Swiss, and neufschatel, would all be changed so that they all (TL) equalled the value of a gram of silver.  But the announcer would be saying that they are being given a new value relative to the USA dollar.

I think that's comprehensible.

Why is it so important to actually peg the Cheeseback to silver?  Because reality will occur, one day.  And you want a currency which will survive that reality.  Say no more.

Now, imagine if each Cheeseback note had silver foil plated on the back?!  In which case, we might, instead, call the bills, "Cheeseheads," with pictures of famous heads of cheese on the front.  With eyes and noses and mouths, just like cheeseheads you have known in your own life.  Could we get away with putting an actual gram of silver on the back of each note?  I can tell you that extra money would have to be found in order to produce these things.  Beyond the cost of the silver, etc.  And I don't think states would permit it.  But IDK.  And, if you had a hundred Cheeseheads, they would weigh a little over 100 grams, which is getting heavy.  You might want to use coins instead, starting at 100 grams.  But, that would pretty much look like the same thing as producing actual silver coins, meant to be legal tender, albeit locally.  Doubtful.

But you could have 10% denomination bills, each with 1/10th of a gram on the back, and each worth one minute of labour.  advertising the wonders of cheese.

Imagine if you actually had these, and regular Cheeseheads, and then higher-value Cheesehead coins made of silver.  None of them would be counterfeitable, pretty much, because they would all have the right amount of silver right on them.

If you could make certificates which were directly interchangeable with these various Cheeseheads, BUT ALSO NON-COUNTERFEITABLE, somehow, then that could be very useful, and even permit a measure of easement of the currency by the bank, through printing, or of Cheeseheadicide, depending on the economy.  People would carry around the purely paper bills and accept them as being right as valuable as the silver (Cheese) ones.  But, if silver shot sky-high, many people would start hoarding the silver ones.  That could be managed.

Say only 10% of the currency out there had silver in it.  The rest was all paper and tin.  This is already a way of somewhat pumping up the local economy.  Meanwhile, the bank would guarantee that it would hand over silver for any bill presented.  That would be like the normal situation where banks keep a reserve on hand, (but only as a fraction as it is would be able to cover should there be a 100% run), except that the reserve would actually exist within the hands of the people.  Interesting?  Yes, a little interesting.  And, the bank could then add a little multiplier on top of that, for lending purposes - say a mere 5x what it has in reserve?  We don;t want to see it go up to 30-40x, and become just as Babylonian as the present corrupt banking system in the USA.

All of this is basically technical work to figure out the skeleton behind some kind of alternate currency, like this.  Trying to make it as solid as possible, and get it through the regulators as strongly as it can be.   I guess it could get shut down, if regulators found out it was actually based on silver, and not cheese.  But, it actually be legally argued that what the heck is the difference, anyway, ya hey?

I believe there might actually be at least one cheese currency existing in Wisconsin already, btw!

For most practical purposes - beyond the technicalities - such a currency would basically be used and regarded as a means by which barter could be transacted and recorded.  Nothing too harmful in that.  Not like it's running drugs and arms to and from Mexico or what have you.  Which is one of the favourite past time of present Big Banks like Welles Fargo, USBank, and others.

These latter banks see the collapse of the USA dollar coming.  To cover their vast, trillions-of-dollars debts, they will be secreting away from the money you are keeping in the savings accounts, checking accounts and investments which you have with them, which would probably also include credit cards.  Since they claim to already "own" the fiat currency which we use to shop and bank and eat - dollar bills.  Plus, we have parked our money on their private property, yes?  Plus, they are allowed to pay interest,  But they will call it "negative interest" - flowing to them instead of to you.  On top of this will be the grosser theft from your accounts.  They will be doing this as sneakily as they can get away with.  At some point, people will see what is happening, and they will all run to the banks, en masse, and try to retrieve their money.  But that won't be fulfilled, since the banks only have a fraction of the actual money they lend out, or say they process, or say you have.  Plus, they have stolen even a large amount of THAT amount, and sent it off to their creditors in China.  This is about giving China what it wants.

There are government policies which could be instituted that could prevent this catastrophe from happening, but these won't happen, unless someone like Trump is back in again, and the Dems are reduced in the Senate.  Similar situs in Canada, etc.

Before it gets to the point where people swarm and make a run on the banks, like what happened going into the Great Depression, the banks will be coordinated to shut down.  And not let it happen.  They already have AI and predictive programmes.  So, they will likely be able to predict any oncoming run, and shut down.  When they do shut down, they will announce that, sorry, there is an emergency, and now all dollar bills are worthless.  Instead, you are going to be allotted some fraction of what you had in your account, but it will henceforth be denominated in terms of a new, completely digital currency.  Henceforth, you will carry card, and do all your business digitally in their new form of currency, a CBDC, ("Central Bank Digital Currency").

This currency will allow them to track everything you do, and control it, if they wish.  They will be able to alter the value of the currency as they choose.  They will be able to prevent you from doing business anywhere they choose.  They can starve you if they want to.  Alligned with a fascist government, which the USA government has decidedly become, you will be depopulated if you do do what you are told.  This is what they are trying to do.  Planning to do.  All the crap going on about UFOs and viruses are about leading you here.  To the psychopathic money pit.  Where your free will and free choice will be offered up to Ba'al, in a a great virtual bonfire of abandoned paper dollars, along with te faces of several presidents.

This is what you are up against.  And this is why you have to find a community where you can use some alternate currency just to survive.

In an oncoming EMP or cyber attack, records of land ownership or deeds will disappear, conveniently.  What you need to do is to get a solid hard copy of the title deed for your property.  Keep an inventory of everything else you own.  And that sort of thing.  Most of your jobs will fail you.  There will be no way to get you gas-based cars fixed.  You will eat bugs containing graphene oxide, and you will be very thankful to them for not killing you yet.  Even though you are on life-support, feeding into the digestive tract of Big Pharma.

Should I put a video here?  What kind of video should I put here?  None, because I am done.  Ta ta.


economics - gold / silver / coins, +++, economics - barter, s- 'money' (series) (economics)

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