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Comments 8

melanieallett June 29 2022, 17:38:00 UTC
I'm glad mentioning meg led you to more videos :)


madman101 July 1 2022, 12:40:42 UTC
It did!

Although the Jen Brea videos were old stuff.

I was dissapoined that I could not post anything better on Meg's illness, esp. the 2016, "An Update," post*. I would have given her top billing otherwise.

* - I don't sign into YouTube, etc., for internet privacy reasons.


melanieallett June 30 2022, 23:10:04 UTC
Hi, hope youre ok


madman101 July 1 2022, 12:37:45 UTC
Hi. Thank you! Yes, it was a difficult day, yesterday. If I nap for a while, now, things may clear up for a bit.


lantairvlea July 13 2022, 12:59:00 UTC
Didn't make through all of them, but interesting listening this morning. What a terrible disease/syndrome.


madman101 July 13 2022, 13:11:17 UTC
I hope no one ever thinks they must read or view everything I post. I just throw out stuff as resources. Whoever would be interested presently, then follow curiousity. Whoever is not, fine, or explore my tags whenever. Thanks for reading!

It is a very interesting illness. The more sufferers try, the more they fail. It is paradoxical, like entropy or Xeno's Arrrow. Also a very major pain in the neck.

Take care.


lantairvlea July 14 2022, 23:32:18 UTC
I do skim some things you post, but a lot of it I find genuinely interesting and it just lingers in my tabs until I have the time to give it pe
roper attention.


madman101 July 15 2022, 10:05:22 UTC
That's a good way to do it.

I do appreciate when people appreciate at least some of my posts.


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