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Comments 4

sue866 August 9 2021, 02:55:31 UTC
Fascinating, especially after becoming more keenly interested in Buddhism, meditation, Ayurveda, and moksha. Dr. K on healthy gamer is Buddhist and monk-trained and he is fascinating as both an Eastern philosopher and western medical practitioner (psychiatrist). I also studied Eastern religions and have a friend at work who is Buddhist and shares her love of meditation. I've never gotten 'good' at doing it, but agree it can only be good for us, if we just apply it. This article just gives me goosebumps at its relevance to the state of enlightenment and achievement of not fearing death, essentially.


madman101 August 22 2021, 00:57:12 UTC
That's great. And this is a great comment. I am sorry I take long to get back to comments, often, but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate you or others ( ... )


deepseasiren August 10 2021, 00:13:53 UTC
I saw some kind of documentary on this.


madman101 August 22 2021, 00:29:41 UTC
Great. Pretty amazing, isn't it? I'll have to see if I can find that documentary!


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