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Comments 6

arrctic August 6 2021, 19:06:22 UTC
clever poem. i was never as attached to cuomo as some people i know. still a pretty sad state of affairs regardless of whether you liked him or not. of course there's probably no need to state that he is not the only obvious psychopath in recent times who was elected to public office and ardently and blindly beloved by his supporters. seems to be a symptom of our times.


madman101 August 7 2021, 00:59:41 UTC
Thank you. I kill to be clever.

It's good not to be attached to Cuomo.

Cuomo is so blatantly psychopathic. But, not only are so many others in power. The people who support them may hold a bit of psychopathy in themselves. A social disease.

I am sorry we have such a touch and go relationship. I would have liked to talk to you by phone.


lantairvlea August 11 2021, 14:53:23 UTC
A very apt poem, good job.

It amazes me how people can be so oblivious of the affects of their own actions and how othrrs can be blind and assume a person can Do No Wrong despite mounting evidence to the contrary.


madman101 August 11 2021, 16:32:35 UTC
Thank you. You may be the most gracious person on my list.

Bind faith in so-called authority. It's shameful and embarrassing but it also makes the monkey world go 'round.

Which is why psychopaths never got weeded out genetically.


lantairvlea August 16 2021, 20:56:10 UTC
You're welcome and thank you!

Thetr's a lot of things that the world could probably do without, but those things also seem to be what makes it function as it is so we carry on for fear of the Great Unknown that is probably better than what is, but it is Unknown.


madman101 August 20 2021, 15:45:38 UTC
Yes, that is in line with my idea that a lot of what we think of as reward is actually the release from the stress of chaos, uncertainty or the unknown. So, we need it, to some extent.



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