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Comments 6

sing_marly May 15 2012, 01:21:13 UTC
You're missing 17 there Home-Skillet.

And how many times do I have to tell you not to drink the cough syrup?!?


madman101 May 15 2012, 01:29:44 UTC


Re#6. bobby1933 May 15 2012, 02:47:55 UTC
I have often wondered what quality some celebrities have that make them celebrities. Maybe this is it!


Re: Re#6. madman101 May 15 2012, 02:57:05 UTC
i think you're right! it's an invisible magic no one would ever suspect!


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madman101 May 15 2012, 15:37:40 UTC
your pic gets mine - no but seriously beggers can't be choosers

most tranny's identify as the opposite sex except while clipping coupons

4 - ok, whatever that means

7 - thanks - i am still in therapy for this however

13 - i did mean the explorer but it might be funnier with your guy, but i never heard of him

i always thought that i discovered the REAL america anyway


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madman101 May 15 2012, 20:28:13 UTC
i'm not as smart as you think - have no idea what is "ghillie suit" - ok now i see your full comment... ok, makes sense, too late to laugh - our special moment has passed

of course, after i posted that, craigslist said i live in chicago now - sometimes it really seems like SUMone is playing games w/ me

no, i definitely like long ships and mead, so


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