Responsible, Responsible, Responsible, Responsible,

Feb 04, 2012 18:33

Prelude to OUR IRISH SPRING....

Let me take you by the hand
Away from here,
To another land.
Oh - this land in which we live...
Where people love and are meant to forgive.

Enter. Zombie - or Child of War?... )

music - lyrics, s- 'war child' (series), music - cranberries, war * / wars / war and peace, zombie studies

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Comments 1

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madman101 February 6 2012, 03:59:49 UTC
it really is - it usually makes me cry - cuz i feel sorry for all the zombies and their headaches and quirky ways...

maybe that song is what started the whole zombpocalypse craze these daze

Linger is a song i love, with is overwhelming BIG romantic sound. who would expect that from a song that rhymes "linger" - such an odd word... but cranberries set the standard for so much future indie/pop and female music. i love my cranberries. i've fought to the death for them many a time.


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