I found ANOTHER dvd player in the closet, and was all excited that I might actually have one that works and not watch movies on my laptop. It plays movies fine, EXCEPT STAR TREK EPISODES!!! WHY!!! I need me some Voyager and TNG!
Kitties and art this way... )
Comments 8
And more artwork that makes me feel inferior. Lol kidding, I love it.
They are mutts, even the siamese. His momma was white with striped legs and face, his daddy is a tabby, his daddy may also be his grandaddy, so maybe that's the reason for the diluted coloring. Gypsy has weird medium length super silky fur. I should start calling her silky, and then start calling her pimp.
I am SO ALLERGIC to bunnies. I didn't care though, and used to have a black giant flemmish rabbit named penelope. She was awesome, bigger than my moms jack russell, haha. I'd take her to the vet in a harness and leash, and she'd break bad on big dogs, straight gangster son. Crazy lady even CHEWED HER STAPLES OUT when I got her spayed. The vet stitched her back up and made an e-collar out of x-ray film. She was not amused.
Do you have rabbits now?
I always wanted to name a pet Penelope. Or Eloise. Yes from Lost, haha. That rabbit sounds like a total badass.
I have a red New Zealand back home named Bambi. She's fucking huge and knows how to get out of her cage.
I don't know if I ever mentioned I live on a horse farm, but there are SO MANY barn kitties. We have found most of them homes, but there are a lot. I am always amused.
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