BB: Hi, everyone! I wanted to get this new spork rolling, so we'll start right away with the dedication of The Hollow, written by Jessica Verday. Before I start this, though, I want everyone to keep this in mind: since this is a published work, I cannot spork. It is illegal. So, I shall be doing everything in a recap-style, much like
das_mervin and
zelda_queen have both done with the Twilight saga and The House of Night books respectively. However, since this is a dedication, I shall spork away! Let's get to it!
To Lee - Here's to many more Feliz Navidads, Tained Loves, and Cocaine Blues, babe. From the moment I looked down and saw those black boots, I've never looked back. And if I had to do it all over again, I would. Thank you for being my brainstorming partner, idea generator, beta reader, critique partner, personal cheerleader, awesome assistant, and best friend.
Okay, let's start with this the fact that "-" is what's known as an em dash. It's used to show a break in thought. What comes after it (in this case "Here") does not need to be capitalized. Not that it's exactly a mistake, it's just weird to see it to me. And who the hell is Lee? There's no mention of him anywhere else in this book - I already checked the Acknowledgements section. Who is he? I mean, there's nothing about him here. Well, except that he's her "brainstorming partner, idea generator (that's what brainstorming is supposed to do, so this is redundant), beta reader, critique partner (again, that's what a beta reader is, so redundant once more), personal cheerleader, awesome assistant (and now she's giving me Meyer flashbacks - friends are only useful when they do things for you), and best friend." That doesn't give me much of a picture in your life, or why this is dedicated to him. He could go in the back with everyone else.
...why do I even bother? I already know he's her Main Love Interest In Life, so that's why she decided to dedicate this to him. Even though it's filled with redundant phrases.
On another note, anyone know what a Feliz Navidad (which here should be Feliz Navidades), Tainted Love, or a Cocaine Blue is? They sound like drinks to me, but I can't find anything on 'em. Did she just make these up? God dammit, I hate when they just make shit up. It's stupid and does nothing for them.
Well, that's our dedication. See you all next time for the Preface!
Paging the Department of Redundency Department: 2