Fic - Ten of Swords

Dec 11, 2015 16:16

Title: Ten of Swords
Summary: After a party, Jess struggles to deal with a haunting tarot reading. A fic told in three tarot cards; one for the past, one for the present, and one for the future. Stanford Era. Jess POV.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Sam/Jess. None.
Warnings: My knowledge on tarot and palm reading is limited to Google, so I hope a ( Read more... )

spn_j2_xmas secret santa, stanford era, jess, sam

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Comments 50

amberdreams December 11 2015, 22:48:26 UTC
Ah Jess... *rubs heart*
I love Stanford era fics, and you've drawn a really sympathetic Jess.

Out of interest, I had a quick look at my palm against one of those drawings that shows you what each line means. I have no Line of Success at all. How disappointing!


madebyme_x December 11 2015, 23:23:10 UTC
Thank you! I adore Stanford era too, especially when you get to play with characters that you can flesh out, and I'm happy to hear that my take on Jess worked for you.

I think one reason why I like Jess and Sam fanworks so much, is the sense of bittersweet that you get, especially when you see them happy and you know what the future holds.

I found all the different lines of palm reading so confusing, and I can't find my success line either, nor the marriage one (which might be telling as I'm not married!)

Thanks again for stopping by and commenting, I really appreciate it. Take care :)


amberdreams December 12 2015, 09:33:48 UTC
Exactly - either we get Sam and Jess with the foreknowledge that they are doomed, or we get Dean alone without his Sammy - and both scenarios are just so heartbreaking.

I do have a single marriage line, which is how things have panned out so far - but for a 55 year old, my palms are remarkably smooth! Must be fat padding out the wrinkles LOL!!


madebyme_x December 13 2015, 21:51:08 UTC
You're absolutely right, it's such a painful and haertbreaking time, and I think it's also fascinating to write about too; there's so much we don't know about this point in time and there's just so much to explore.

I found some of the lines really hard to find and read - lets hope that that one was wrong! But nonsense about the fat padding the wrinkles!!!


zara_zee December 11 2015, 23:54:25 UTC
Aw man, you just made me cry. Big fat tears running down my cheeks! Damn.
We all know Jess is doomed and that, of course, colours everything we read. You captured her spirit so well, and you gave us those little hints, the LSATs having been taken, the Halloween costume ready to go, Brady's decline, that the end is very nearly nigh. But still, she has her hope for the future and her love of Sam's just so gut-wrenching. And Sam's reading being the one that convinces her to laugh, that the spooky tarot reading is just nonsense...when we know what we know about his many deaths...
This was just brilliant! You packed so much into so few words and you gave us Jess's POV. And, well, I just loved this. :D


madebyme_x December 13 2015, 22:03:41 UTC
I'm so sorry about the tears, but I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the fic as much as did - thank you so much for your gorgeous comment.

I think one of the reasons I love writing and reading Sam and Jess as much as I do, is that sense of bittersweet doom that shadows their relationship. I really wanted to capture the everyday quality of their lives, while also hinting about what lies ahead.

The best thing about writing Jess POV is being about to highlight Jess's (and maybe my own!) love of Sam, and the way that she sees him in this world that they share. Plus it's so much fun playing with her character because we know so little about her from canon, and she's so open to interpretation.

I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the fic, and thanks again for reading and taking the time to leave such a wonderful and positive comment. Take care my friend :)


freya922 December 12 2015, 00:19:21 UTC
Wonderful - so eerie and full of foreboding!


madebyme_x December 13 2015, 22:11:11 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed the fic, and the sense of foreboding. I really enjoy writing Jess POV, especially how she sees Sam and how her future is planned with him. Expect we know something she doesn't...

Thanks again for reading, it's always lovely yo hear from you. Take care, :)


sophiap December 12 2015, 02:28:54 UTC
Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much I love this - the sense of creeping dread because of what we know and Jess doesn't. Brady's change in personality, the flicker of yellow in Sam's eyes, Sam's fractured life-line, the sense of Dean waiting in the wings (and hinted at by The Lovers)... gah. It's wonderful, wonderful stuff, and I love how you used the tarot imagery.

I also ADORE your Jess, and the way she and Sam are together here. The easy sweetness of their relationship makes the horror of what's to come stand out all the more starkly, and my heart is breaking for Sam all over again.

Thank you so, so, SO much for this!


madebyme_x December 13 2015, 23:20:24 UTC
\o/ I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed the fic! As soon as I saw the pairing on your list, I knew I wanted to revisit these two! I did some research on tarot, and I'm so relieved that that aspect worked for you.

I had so much fun writing this fic, especially the quiet moments between Sam and Jess, and exploring what their relationship might have been like. Of course, I couldn't help but hint as to what lies ahead; with Brady, Dean, and even Sam's fate as well as her own. It's an aspect of Jess that I love; that sense of bittersweet foreboding.

I really am delighted that you enjoyed the fic! Take care and I hope you have a very happy holiday. Take care, :)


anactoria December 12 2015, 11:22:03 UTC


madebyme_x December 13 2015, 23:23:47 UTC
Yikes, I'm sorry!!! This Show has such fascinating and heartbreaking characters. Thanks for stopping by. Take care, :)


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