Title -
The AwakeningSummary - Jared is a recruiter from The Agency. Jensen is his mark. When they meet, it's going to change the world.
Rating - PG13
Genre /Spoilers - J2. None.
Warnings - Language (nothing explicit).
Word Count - 1500
Disclaimer - I'm not making a profit, this is just for fun and all the standard disclaimers apply.
A/N - A
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Comments 16
I was worried about the word count when I took part in this challenge (2500 words max) and I tried hard to cram as much as I could into the fic and it still ended up being short. But I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed it.
Thank you again for your kind words. :)
Thanks again. :)
Thanks again for stopping by and for your kind words. :)
I think I just lucked out, something in your prompt called to me and while I'm usually a slow writer, the fic just kind of wrote itself (I wish it was that easy all the time, I'm desperate for inspiration right now!) For me, it was a very visual fic, and I just wrote what I saw.
Thanks again for reading this a second time. I really am thrilled that you enjoyed it. Take care, :)
The difficult and challenging thing about this exchange was the limited world count and I wanted the fic to feel somewhat complete but also slightly opened ended. I'm really happy to hear that you left wanting more.
Thanks again for reading and for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate your support. Take care, :)
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