Title: Dance of the Dead. Part one of two...possibley 3.
Rating: NC-17 to be safe due to language and dark plot.
Pairing: In this chapter...hints of Alex/Goodwin.
Word Count: 5,668
Warning: There are some dark elements to this like Torture. So beware, y'all!
Summary: I am sweaty and shaking. Tense. So tense I am beginning to ache.
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Comments 8
Hopefully part two will be up tonight but at the latest tommorow, it just needs to me to give it a quick once over for typos etc.
BTW is Cult_ships still up and running?
Hmph, well I've been trying to get in touch with Keara about it, but she hasn't gotten back to me. *shrug* Hopefully I'll get a new challenge started there soon. :)
Smile at our innocence about the emotions we had awoken that day, feelings that would consume and alter our lives almost beyond recognition. I smile at the sense of pride that comes rushing back. I survived that. A poor abandoned child, whose momma didn’t even love her, had survived one of the hardest tests of endurance our people have to undergo.
Oh my God, this is amazing ^_^
Can't wait to see next part, I'm absolutely in love with this fic ^_^
And-- whoah! Seven! That's intense. ^__^
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