Asylum3, Sunday

May 31, 2009 23:13

Jensen panel, 4th row, Jared, Misha panel 2nd row. I haz videos. And photos. Will tell more BUT the thing I have to say:

Jensen HAS NOT moved out of Jared's house. He only said "I might actually look for an own place for the next season but still near Jared's"
anybody who said he moved out, lied.
their women were not at the con itself, just visited Jason's concert while both boys were tucked in their bed in the hotel.
Jensen did say "my girlfriend, Danneel" He never said that out loud before.
Danneel's dog is being taken care of Jensen. Jason said the dog (called Ikarus) is there when he goes home. Jensen has the dog's photo as wallpaper on his iPhone and said Ikarus' best friends are Harley and Sadie. Which means, he took the dog from DH and is in Vancouver.

will say more when I get home, just wanted to set some things straight.

photos :


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