As hoped June turned out to be better than May, but I know you guys can do much better. July is a great month and I hope for 20+ entries.
Don't disappoint me ;)
You still have a few days to get your stories in for the
June Prompts, but - as usual - I'd like to get a head start on things, so we will start next month a bit earlier.
Welcome to the July Edition of "Memories that remain" - our kind of teaparty here at
This round will start on June, 29 and last until July, 31. During this period you have time to pick up one (or more/all) of the following 45 plus one prompts for your stories or artwork. You can pick whatever you like no matter if anyone else has already taken the prompt. Use it for whatever you like (fanfiction, drabble, icons, banner, wallpaper, fanvideo, picspam, discussion, drawings ...) as long as it features Jenny in some way.
All pairings, genres, ratings are accepted. But please follow the rules ...
a) When no season/episode/pairing is given you are free to use whatever season and additional characters/pairing you like (as long as it involves our lovely director in some way.)
b) Stories must be a minimum of 100 words. There is, however, no maximum.
c) Icon posts must consist of a minimum of three icon. There is, however, no maximum limit.
d) ALL stories/artwork no matter how short, must be placed behind a
LJ-Cut. (The header (see below) plus a teaser of 3 icons or a thumbnail of the artwork is allowed before the cut)
e) You can write as many stories/produce as many pieces as you wish, there are no limits, and the same prompt can be used by multiple people - you do not have to claim a prompt. Just select the one(s) you like and work with them.
f) Entries can be posted to your personal Journal or to
g) You don't need to tag your entries. I will do this for you, if you forgot (or don't know how exactly).
h) When posting please use the following:
Subject line: [Fanfic/Icons/Wallpaper/Videos...] | Titel | Rating
Story Header (put before the cut)
TITLE: AUTHOR: PAIRING: (Full names, please)GENRE: (Humor, Angst, Friendship, Action, Drama, Romance, General, Parody, AU, ...)PROMPT: RATING: WORD COUNT: SUMMARY: WARNINGS: (Incl. Spoiler warning for season 5, Slash Warning, implied Character Death)NOTES: (Anything else you'd like to mention)DISCLAIMER: Artwork Header (put before the cut)
TITLE: (optional)ARTIST:PAIRING: (Full names, please) GENRE: (Humor, Angst, Friendship, Action, Drama, Romance, General, Parody, AU ...)PROMPT: NOTES: (Anything else you'd like to mention. For example 'not work safe', Spoiler warning for season 5, Slash, Character Dead, or the number of icons/pieces of artwork.)TEASER: (max. 3 icons or a thumbnail version of your artwork) Screencaps:
(Do whatever you like with these caps: Use them for fanart, caption, or as an inspiration for a fic.)
Use screencaps from 3.21
"Jeopardy" Themes of the month:
(Some global themes you can settle your fiction/artwork in)
01. Meet the team (Jennys first day at NCIS - as an Agent)
02. Europe (We all know what happened in Europe, don't we?)
03. Ziva (How did they meet? What did they like about each other? How did Ziva saved Jenny's life?)
(Can be used in any context and said by anyone - you don't need to use the exact situation/episode/characters from the show - and since they are all from season 1 this time you need to work them into new situations)
04. 1.16 Bete noir (Jethro) "God, I need coffee."
05. 1.16 Bete noir (Morrow) "I’ll read all about it in your incident report, Jethro."
06. 3.07 Honor Code (Jen to Jethro) "Always admired your way with children. Ever think of having any of your own?"
07. 3.10 Probie (Jen to Jethro) "I see we’re picking up where we left off, Jethro."
08. 3.23 Hiatus (Jen to Nurse) "I left a dinner at the White House to come here."
09. 4.05 Dead and Unburied (Jen to Jethro) "If you’re in a relationship and the other person is keeping secrets, how would you know?"
10. 4.24 Angel of Death (Jethro to Jen) "You may wanna skip that polygraph test Monday."
11. 5.05 Leap of Faith (Jethro to Jen) "Satellite time is expensive."
12. 5.06 Chimera (Ducky to Jethro) "If my diagnosis is correct, we'll all be dead by morning."
13. 5.06 Chimera (Jen to Commander Skinner) "If you think I will stand idly by while the lives of my agents are in danger you are sadly mistaken."
14. 5.09 Lost &Found (Jen to Jethro) "That explains where my cell phone went."
15. 5.13 Dog Tags (Abby to McGee) Dogs don't kill people. People kill people."
16. 5.14 Internal Affairs (Abby) "That ridiculous. We are prisoners in our own evidence locker."
17. 5.14 Internal Affairs (Tony to Abby) "Just do what you do best."
18. 5.17 Judgement Day, Part I (Jen to Mike) "Stop looking at my ass."
19. 6.04 Heartland (Shannon to Jethro) "Everyone needs a code they can live by."
20. 6.20 Dead Reckoning (Tony to Kort) "Go down to the gift shop and get yourself something nice, like a mug, or a t-shirt, or a personality."
Keywords/general prompts:
(Some random keywords you can built your fiction/artwork around)
21. Authorised Personnel only
22. Bowling
23. Camping
24. Diamond
25. Emily Fornell
26. Glasses
27. Hiatus
28. Interview
29. Jen's signature
30. Lucky
31. Master
32. Payback
33. Stalker
34. The 80s
35. Twister
Reverse Fandom or Crossover:
(If you decide to use the Reverse Fandom prompt your story need to have the same title as one of the show's episodes you pick. If you decide to do a crossover the NCIS characters (especially Jenny) need to meet someone from the other show.)
36. "Gossip Girl"
37. "Chicago Hope"
38. "Lost"
39. "Life on Mars"
40. "Leverage"
Song Lyrics:
(Use the lyrics as an imagination for fiction/artwork/picspam, or the song for a fanvid ...)
Fly On the Wall by T.A.T.U.
My Declaration by Eliza Bennet (Inkheart OST)
Reality by Richard Sanderson
A smile like yours by Natalie Cole
Never say never by The Fray
Have fun!
We still need some new prompts for next month. I'm running out of options, so if you don't submit some prompts, next month we might only have a few prompts. I know you don't want this, so please submit any ideas
If you have any questions, just comment here and I will try to answer asap.