lydkami brought up the idea yesterday and got me thinking again how we could fill this community with interesting stuff for every member. I already had some things in mind when I opened this place, but I don't want to decide everything by myself. This should be a place for you, guys. So let's do what you prefer (besides the usual icon/fanfiction/discussion/picspam/fangirling stuff we are - hopefully - going to do, anyway *g*).
Therefore I created a small poll. Please take a few seconds and answer the questions (nothing serious or personal - just to get an overview ...).
If you have suggestions/idea the poll doesn't cover, please comment here to start the discussion :)
Poll Thank you :) *offers some coffee and cookies*
(sorry for the "macgee" :/ I'd like to edit it, but once the poll is created it's not possible anymore *sigh*)