
Jun 10, 2012 21:49

A while ago I re-discovered my love for drawing, after about fifteen years of not touching a pencil. Turns out I love it even more now than I did back then, and yes, over the past few months a few drawings have seen the light of day that I'm quite happy with. Took me a bit to realize that one of them fits right into this community ( Read more... )

fanart: drawing, artist: littlesammy, category: gen

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Comments 4

on_jennys_terms June 10 2012, 23:56:15 UTC
There is seriously not enough fanart in this fandom. This is amazing.


littlesammy June 11 2012, 04:25:39 UTC
Thank you. ♥ And yes, the lack of fanart is a thing I've been bemoaning for the past two years. I think at one point my brain just said that if I want it, I need to do it myself. ;) Ziva is still my main object (she seriously spoiled me for any other "pretty faces" to draw) but this one was fun and also a little emotional to draw. (My other two drawings - the ones I'm much more satisfied with - are Ziva portraits, but since these don't go with the theme of this community, I'm just gonna point gently at them and hope to get away with it without being slapped. ;) Here and here.)


on_jennys_terms June 12 2012, 05:19:19 UTC
Those are both totally amazing. I need to get out my charcoals and do some more drawing. You're inspiring!


calliatra June 11 2012, 08:21:33 UTC
That is a really great drawing! It's wonderfully realistic, and I love the light/dark contrast you went with. And of course the way Ziva is smiling as if she's up to something...^^
Thank you for sharing this, and do keep drawing; I'd like to see more of your art in future! :)


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