Title: Our Hearts Are Wrong Part II : I've Been Dragging Around From The End Of Your Coat For Two Weeks
mad_teagirlFandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Character/Pairing: Sherlock/Irene
Rating: PG-13
Summary:This is set roughly four years before the start of the series. I had been writing a Sherlock/Irene that took place during the current series time-line, but
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Comments 17
Darling girl, you make being your skull a pleasure and a joy. Going to go wrap up in my shock blanket of joy now :)
"It's all been Done" by the Bare Naked Ladies is playing on my radio, and gosh does that not make me think of some sort of fan video with a blend of
Grenada verse and Sherlock. With flouncing and couch-jumping. Silly, one track brain. You know what?! Pay no attention to me. Look, I have a blanket...
Jenn who is babbling again.
You say the sweetest things ♥ I am still overwhelmed by the shock blanket comment. It makes me unbelievably happy having you beta/skull for me, you don't even know.
Oh goodness, I love that song. And I love the idea of watching Ben and Jeremy flounce and couch jump while listening to it. Curse my inability to video edit! I will inevitably think of this every time I hear this song now, and that is something I am totally okay with.
Sad thing is EVERY song I hear somehow gets connected in my head to this fandom somehow... Or almost every one. Pop songs tend to bring up J/S slashy images in my head, classical stuff brings up Irene, etc...
Nothing like obsession, eh?
Got to go... Train to center city will just not wait for me, and alas I think that Mycroft's limo won't just pull up to my curb, either.
Old 97's playing now- dance with me- geesh, your pair are now doing an impromteau tango only head and they are making John giggle.
Is it weird that I'm a little jealous that you are catching a train? Why do I stupidly love trains so much?
I love this image of Irene and Sherlock tangoing and John giggling. It is WAY too cute! I love it, and I love you
I like your Adler and her backstory. She's great with SH and Lestrade.
And the case! I really liked Irene figuring it out but not telling Sherlock because she wanted it to be her that solved case. That was so perfect!
And I love the slightly parental relationship you've created with Lestrade and Irene. It might be my favorite part of this verse of yours! (Although we all know I'm patiently waiting for the storyline-that-shall-not-be-mentioned-because-I-know-secret-upcoming-plot-points-that-would-spoil-things-for-others-and-I-wouldn't-want-to-do-it-so-I-won't, but still, so excited for what's to come in the far off future. And the mix to go with it!)
I won't lie, I love making up cases for them to solve. So many killers so little time.
I love writing Lestrade... but then again, I love Lestrade. Poor Lestrade just wants to look out for her.
The next chapter begins with Irene and Sally, I thought that would make you happy.
Although, much like Cas and Ruby's pop tarts, I worry that I am over selling this.
p.s. your subject with that icon made me die
I can't wait for chapter three!
And I'll try not to keep you waiting too long for the next installment
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This was such a lovely comment to find on my little story, and I am so very glad that you are enjoying it! (you read it twice? really? twice? Oh my goodness that's sweet)
I'll try to have the next chapter out in the relatively near future. ^.~
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