Title: Fear of Flying : Part II
mad_teagirlFandom: Star Trek XI
Character/Pairing: McCoy/Chapel, allusions to Kirk/Chapel
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He had started to get used to her presence. Seeing her everyday with a bright smile and a “Good morning Doctor,” had almost become welcome; even if he was half awake and irritable.
Author Notes: Begins
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Comments 9
Christine looked utterly exhausted, but she still grinned the instant she saw him. She perched on the edge of his desk and listened, beaming, as he told her about the evening.
And at that point he started to wonder why it was he had so disliked her in the beginning.
I love this last passage, I kept thinking that the old adage "Come into my web, said the spider to the fly".
Yeah bones is totally kidding himself if thinks for one moment that he's not totally into her. Oh how I love the chemistry you depicted between these two!
Oh Bones, your poor curmudgeonly ways are just no match for Christine's overpoweringly bubbly personality.
I'm so happy that you're enjoying this! I know I said that before, but I still mean it.
And the comments are not idle complements my dear. You really do have a talent, and you should so keep posting publicly. As I said before I haven't gotten to the point where I'm comfortable posting my stuff publicly and just post on my livejournal and friends lock it.
Anyways, I am really enjoying this fic, it gives me insights in Christine's character, and I really love her determination, and the way Bones reaction to Christine.
So I am really looking forward to the next part and see what happens next with Christine and McCoy.
Part of me wishes I knew what's going on in Christine's head! With Kirk and McCoy and everything. :D Keeps me intrigued!
and I'm sure McCoy wishes he knew what was going on in her head too.
p.s. your icon is adorable
I've already given you lots of feedback on this, but yay I still love it all! Especially everything Christine does <3
Also, I still love that Bones love Taipei. Damn good taste he's got there.
I'm ecstatic about how much love this story is getting!!! And a little confused O.o I'm not used to this much attention.
I LOVED how much feedback you gave me on the last chapter, it made me very pleased.
Of course Bones love Taipei. How could he not?
Thank you for reading! Hopefully I'll have Chapter 3 up soon!
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