Hi my name is Becky, and I'll be your fan today.

Sep 15, 2011 01:54

Greetings, gentle readers. I went to DragonCon! There were splendid things there, like trout on grits. Black eyed peas. Pecan cookies. Whale sharks. Wil Wheaton (who had the best panel EVAH.) And James was there! Really, something or someone for everyone. Yes ( Read more... )

dragoncon 2011

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Comments 125

sky_prague September 15 2011, 10:21:51 UTC
How bad I am that I keep staring on the photo with whale shark? Sorry James, but this creature is stunning *starts to save money for trip too see them*.
Looks like you had great time and teasing James is starting be your game :D. Love that he and Eliza were OK, think he should realize that she is not 17 anymore and what I can see, she seems like a very nice and smart lady. Can't wait to meet her this month :). Thanks for report Becky :).

BTW: the Macbeth photo *wants* :D.


mad_brilliant_ September 15 2011, 10:43:51 UTC
The whale shark is amazing! I love that aquarium. \o/

Yes, teasing James is extremely fun. Hee! He's such a good sport about it. I'm glad he takes it in the way it's meant. <3

I like Eliza. And you're right, she's not the same person she was back then. And besides, she was free at the time, and for all she knew, James wouldn't mind being a potato chip. lol Guess she knows better now. Seriously, she was there (at the con) raising money for her charity. So kudos to her.

Macbeth pic = so pretty! :-D


mad_brilliant_ September 16 2011, 00:47:48 UTC
Oh, and here's a bigger pic for you. :-D

... )


sky_prague September 16 2011, 09:11:24 UTC
Ooooh, she looks so big and I can see a shark below her now :D *fav photo eva*


debris4spike September 15 2011, 10:37:49 UTC
As ever - great write up.

I think James has got great taste - that is a beautiful image of him (but there again it's hard to decide \0/)

I would have loved to have been at that Moonshot panel - I remember the actual landings, so to see James in the film was a very special thing for me ... and I could share him with my parents!!


mad_brilliant_ September 15 2011, 11:04:55 UTC
Thank you! :-D

I thought it was interesting that we picked the same one. I do like that pic. The lighting is amazing in that venue, and makes for some very nummy photos.

It was a very unique panel. It's not often that one gets to watch James watch himself on screen. And he's very knowledgeable about the moon landing. I do remember the landings too, although I was quite young. My Dad worked as an aerospace engineer and helped design the spacecraft. So that whole subject is always a favorite of mine.


ubi4soft September 15 2011, 10:43:29 UTC
Such pretty pics with :))) Thanks for sharing with your comments.


mad_brilliant_ September 15 2011, 11:06:02 UTC
Thank you! You're very welcome. :)


lovejames September 15 2011, 10:47:56 UTC
Thanks for the report [very succinct!] and all the photos [very yummy!]; and thanks for sharing.

James is rather limited when it comes to signing anything other than his name, isn't he? But i much prefer One Love to the slightly unsettling Bite Me, which is fine for a Spike photo but on a normal one?? Doesn't that mean F--k Off in America? He needs to think that one through... especially for the long-time fans who have these messages written many times already :)


mad_brilliant_ September 15 2011, 11:20:57 UTC
You're very welcome! :)

He's never written Bite Me for any of my autos. But that's probably because I always have him sign concert pics. Well, and the occasional odd thing like that place card. But, unless he's signing a Spike pic, or maybe a photo op where he's pretending to bite a fan, then yes, Bite Me would generally mean F--k Off. I suppose he might get tired and accidently sign the wrong thing on a pic? I dunno.


lovejames September 15 2011, 16:00:05 UTC
See, that's where i got into trouble. He was starting to rush us through the autos, signing it on everything in the afternoon of 'Love Hearts' where it was really obvious he couldn't wait to get out of there, and no, it wasn't just my opinion but of many i spoke to and overheard that day. i faked a bite to his hand and when he snatched it back, with that startled-horse giggle, i raised my eyebrows at him and said, 'well, you will write that..' Intimating that maybe it wasn't appropriate, 'cos he hadn't meant F-Off to all of us - could he? And we all know the answer to that one!
He actually took the next photo trying to move me on and i had to say, 'Whoa slow down, i have some presents for you'. Give him his due he did put it down and pay attention. Liked the presents [birthday & Christmas] and took my hand, thanking me for them with his usual smile and grace. [It was Marion who thought i'd licked him or maybe made contact; didn't do either]. i was watching him after that and he did slow down and take proper time with people.


mad_brilliant_ September 15 2011, 23:52:57 UTC
Ah, well the Love Hearts event didn't go well. He later said that he was in a bad place there because some fans were messing with him. I think it was one in particular who has had really bad interactions with him in the past (groping) and who still thinks she can treat him disrespectfully. She proudly posted her photo op from Love Hearts. What it showed was James, clearly unhappy, clenching his fist. It's disturbing. But she's happy because she got to touch him for a while. She's going to the Christmas event, so good luck with that. :-/


sarian71 September 15 2011, 11:18:26 UTC
Thank you for sharing. Your reports are always worth waiting for! :)

"I don't suck"

I love that James chose to write that! *hugs him*


mad_brilliant_ September 15 2011, 11:23:36 UTC
Thank you, you're very welcome! :)

I love that he wrote that too! Made me very happy.


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