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anonymous November 8 2010, 02:57:43 UTC
Another one of those curse prompts =) Dean gets cursed to sneeze every time Sam lies. Dean thinks he must be getting sick, but Sam is the one to make the connected (because he knows he’s lying) and he eventually starts telling the truth. The season (and whatever Sam’s lying about) is up to you, or it can totally be a made up situation. I can see this more gen, but I’m also ok with slash.


mad_server November 8 2010, 20:04:06 UTC
Oh man. That's genius. And if it were sneezekink!Sam? Ohhh the possibilities.


anonymous November 9 2010, 10:00:44 UTC
I think that would be even better!


mad_server November 9 2010, 21:50:09 UTC
This one's getting all up in my brain. Yoink! Might be a few days though.


FILLED: A Nose Knows mad_server November 12 2010, 11:26:58 UTC
And a giant thank you to twirlycurls for the speedy and astute beta!

"What was it like in the box?"

Sam shrugs. "Fine."


"Mmh." He watches Dean's pink nostrils quiver. "Bless you."


"Fine. It's over. Doesn't matter."

"AGH-KHXHXHSH!""Ohh, hello." Extending his legs under the picnic table, he crosses his ankles around one of Dean's ( ... )


Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows anonymous November 12 2010, 20:30:45 UTC
A (long) list of all my favorite lines...

"Hey. Focus." Dean digs up a napkin and trumpets into it.

"Mixed messages." Sam watches him stuff the napkin away and admires the redness of his nose as he gives a tiny, winded sniff.

I hadn't really thought about S6 Sam/Dean before now (okay, not much), but thus far... I like.


"Mind like a steel trap." Dean abandons the laptop and pads to the bathroom for tissues. "Was she good?" he calls. "Should I tell her what you're wearing?"

"I'd rather just sit here and watch you sneeze."

Me too, Sammeh. Me too.


"What the hell are you talking about," Dean pants, twisting away for a tissue. "Is that what the kids are doing for dirty talk these days?"




"We from Lawrence?"

Sam drags his eyes away from the beautifully flushed nose. "Does one of us have a concussion?"

I loved this line. :)


"HXRSH-uh!" Dean sniffles. "Hmm."


"Check me out. I'm a human lie detector."

"Oh, you noticed that."That was my favorite part of this story- that Sam noticed ( ... )


Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows mad_server November 12 2010, 21:26:52 UTC
Every time you say "Sammeh" I hear Bill saying "Sookie" and it makes me giggle on the inside.

That was an epic comment. EPIC. *lays triple chocolate cookies at your feet*

Thank you for rocking. ♥


Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows anonymous November 13 2010, 01:49:12 UTC

No one does angst like Bill. Not even Dean.

And an epic story requires an epic comment. It balances out the universe or somesuch. At least this is what my Physics professor says.


P.S. Crossover? Yes?


Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows mad_server November 13 2010, 02:15:20 UTC

"Damn you, Bill Compton."

*urgent man-makeout*



Again. You picked out so many favourite parts! It made me so happy. Thanks, man. :)


(The comment has been removed)

Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows mad_server November 13 2010, 02:33:41 UTC
Whoa. They're both so TALL. If they fell over while making out they might crush a building. If you know it was a very small building.


Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows anonymous November 13 2010, 04:01:05 UTC
Oh please please yes. We could create a whole new genre. I'm not sure what to call it yet, but give me time, I can come up with something fitting. ;)

Also? Dean/Sookie? Sookie takes care of sneezy Dean?



Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows mad_server November 13 2010, 14:04:38 UTC
She'd be all bossy and hands-on. That could be hot. :)

Or Hoyt (is that how you spell it?) aka Mr. Hot Siren and uhhhh wow I forget her name already, new-vampire, could tag team take care of/smex up sneezy Dean. Rowr. Or Lafayette and not-evil Jesus.


Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows anonymous November 13 2010, 04:13:45 UTC

And again. Newton's Third Law!

This story made me incredibly happy. I could've quoted the whole thing back; I loved it all that much. ♥ You are MOST welcome!


I can so see the boys rolling into Bon Temps and stopping at Merlottes'... Sookie could be their server. Dean would be all, "Dibs!" And then Sammeh and Bill could be all sulky (they both do that so well) and hook up in retaliation.

Okay, enough, mind.



Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows maypoles November 13 2010, 01:20:44 UTC
Rarrrr, the phrase "porcupine hair" is SO FREAKING CUTE to me. As is this whole thing.


Re: FILLED: A Nose Knows mad_server November 13 2010, 02:11:27 UTC
Yay for cute! Thank you so much! :)


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