Title: Horikoshi on LJ #006
Pairing: Yamashi and other Horikoshi-pairing
Genre: ??
Author: macymacymacy
Rating: G
Summary: just about mirai's new drama...
Warning: UNBETA-ed, random, spontaneous
-this is just so i could post something.... ~_~
-List of characters and their account name:
umiyuri22 - chinen
kawaiishima - umika
miraidepon - mirai
miryochan - ryosuke
yuuuuu2 - yuto
zukachan - suzuka
ieriinij - jingi
well_yeah - saaya
ka_mickey - ryunosuke
theprince - shougo
MF Note regarding the fic: I read somewhere that Mirai's character here would be a bit mature.... don't wanna say any spoiler so I'll stop with that. xD
Another note: For those who've already downloaded and read this fic... i've edited it since i didn't know Saaya was also in Hammer Session /fail!!!!DX (thank you
ichiban_seiyaku ) Basically, i just changed two or three comments, i'd just thought you ought to know....
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