Title: Horikoshi on LJ #005
Pairing: Yamashi and Horikoshi-gang friendship
Genre: Fluff, Friendship
Author: macymacymacy
Rating: G
Summary: entry of Miraii.. no fics inside, just mirai's blog. comments of her friends
-You have to download...
-UNBETA-ed. i didn't even reread it. i rushed this so i think there would be many typo. i'll edit it after my exams.
-very very random.
-i don't really know who lives near who so this is all me...
-gotta go. three exams left for tomorrow! DX
Download (MF):
http://www.miraidepon.livejournal.com/1748.htmlMS Word 97-03 Compatible
Horikoshi on LJ #001 Horikoshi on LJ #002 Horikoshi on LJ #003 Horikoshi on LJ #004 and another thing.. how to say.. you can suggest for Horikoshi on LJ? is that right? anyway, i want to know what you'd like to see in HoLJ, I can't promise I can make them on time i have 10 or so other ideas for HoLJ but i don't have the time. :[ or make them at all but I'll try...
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