Title: RaiKo? /shot
Pairing: implied RaiKo, NakaShi friendship, implied OhgoJima
Author: macy
Genre: CRACK. Fluff. Flailing
Rating: NC-17. /sarcasm lol. of course it's G, it's RAIKO! (and have i ever written an NC-17???)
- very very very random
- made in 5 mins. haha. this is just a drabble. ^^
RaiKo, shipper!Mirai, confused!Yuto, MIA!Suzuka )
Comments 26
I love whoever that "Riko-chan-san" is now heehee she paved the way to make our OTP real LOL xD
ikr?? thanks so much "riko-chan-san"! XDDDD
Rating: NC-17. /sarcasm lol. of course it's G, it's RAIKO! (and have i ever written an NC-17???)
oh my!! YOU WRITE NC!!! XDDD sarcasm already send from connecticut to other region in the world (quote by meg cabott by the way XDDDD)
yuto and his brother complex habit. XDDDD
hahaha. xDDD
thanks for reading! :DD
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