Title: Shōkan
Pairing: RyuuNon
Genre: Friendship, Fluff, Romance
Rating: G
- manga turned fanfic. cause i seem not able to write/continue any ryutaro-related fic and i am in badly need of a HAPPY RYUTARO-related something. i am closing my eyes/ears/mind to things i do not want to hear/see/know. please don't mention them.
- originally "Kiss to the
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Comments 4
*will read after this
leo is my zodiac! aww ryuuuu you're so sweet XDDD i love you ryuu! and kanyon, how could you be so cute like this ha!?
and yeah, i need a happy ryutaro fic too, but my ryuu's fic lately is more angst than fluffy or romance... -_- YEAH! JUST LIT UP THE TENSION!!! *play ultra music power song
ryuunon is just too perfect for each other. lol. ftw!
thanks for reading! ^^
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