Title: Captured
Genre: Angst-y, Crack-ish, Fluff-y, Friendship
Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x FC
macymacymacy Rating: G to PG
Beta by:
gwynfryd AN:
-AU and OOC
-Ryuu here is 18 years old.
-Ryuu's POV
Prologue |
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
I woke up not next day feeling a bit more comfortable. Okay, weird comment, but it really feels like I'm just a visitor here.
Just like yesterday, when I woke up, Hinata was already gone and his futon were arranged neatly by the bed.
There were spare clothes for me again. I was really thankful for that. I wonder which brother they were from. I'm sure it wasn't Hinata's. He's really a small guy.
I went to the bathroom to wash. When I was finished, I went back to the room and saw that it was only 8am.
That was a surprise. That meant I only had a few hours of sleep... but I don't feel tired at all.
That must mean Hinata had a fewer hours of sleep since both of us were up late last night. Where is he, anyway? Maybe feeding their dogs or something... Well, I'm sure he'll be back soon.
I went and lied back on his bed. Nothing to do... That was when I noticed it.
Chizu's phone! The guy actually left it here... Another surprise.
But I couldn't help but feel glad. That meant he trust me, ne?
Okay, another weird comment. But I don't really know myself why I like the guy... the same guy who is one of my kidnappers. And I really to keep reminding myself of that little fact.
Anyway, I opened Chizu's phone and saw, unsurprisingly, tons of messages. Mostly from Chizu, my mom and Yabu-kun... I wonder if it was let out to the that I was missing? Hmm...
I didn't bother reading them. I'm sure they're asking where I was. Chizu's... well, I don't really want to think of Chizu at the moment...
I'm determined to set things straight, though, once I'm back. I don't know why -- there's a lot of things I don't know the reason lately, ne? -- I don't know, but Hinata's words surely had an impact on me.
Maybe he's involved in something like that? A girl best friend he secretly loves fell in love with a jerk that was only using her or something...
Great, now I feel such a jerk. I promise I will come clean. I shouldn't really have agreed to go out with Chizu in the first place, I'm such a dork.
I think I wasted about two hours just lying there.
It started raining around 10am. It was dark outside, and the rain was pouring hard. It was really a gloomy morning.
And then, when it was lunch time, the door opened.
"Hinata--" I stopped.
I was expecting Hinata but it was one of his brothers.
I sat up. He smiled at me and then he said, "Lunch is ready, do you want to eat outside or should I bring your food here?"
Shocked wasn't really a strong enough word. Really, I'm confused, am I kidnapped??
"Ah," I said shaking myself out of shock. "I-I'll just eat outside..." I said. Weird or not, but I felt I've intruded enough.
He smiled wider. "Oh, come on, let's eat then. It's only us two here, today. Uhm, Hinata has classes."
I followed him to their dining room.
He told me to sit so I did, and then he served me food. Graciously, I might add.
It was canned tuna for today.
"Ittadakimasu." he said and we both started to eat.
I was silent, but then he started talking.
"I'm Yuu, by the way... Hinata said you're Ryuu?"
I just nodded.
"About this... maybe you're thinking we have no shame because we did this... we're really sorry. I know there's no excuse for this but maybe out of desperation..."
"It's okay, sir..." I said quietly.
He smiled at me. "You can call me Yuu. And it's not okay. We both know that. I'm sure you're family is very worried about you. We don't intend to hurt you in any way so please bear with us for a bit more, ne..."
I just nodded.
We continued eating silently... I really didn't plan on speaking any more but my curiosity got the better of me.
"Y-yuu-san, you're father...?"
He smiled again. "I guess Hinata told you?" He asked.
"Uhm, just that he's in the hospital..." I said.
"He is. He needs a heart transplant... He's very weak, with age as well. It might be useless, but we just have to try..." He said seriously. "We owe him our life... he took care of us even though we're not related by blood."
I stopped eating then and looked at him.
"All of us here... we're not related..." he said. "We're a group of abandoned kids taken care of Dad even though he wasn't that fortunate as well. Oh, the dogs too. They're all abandoned. Dad took them home so now we're a big family."
I still just, well, stare.
When I finally found my voice I asked, "Even Hinata? And your sister?"
He looked at me for a while and then he said, "Hinata and Kanon are real siblings... Anyway, we may not be related by blood but we do think of each other as family."
I just nodded.
That was when the light suddenly went out. It was still noon but it was dark.
And then suddenly, the thunder rolled and a flash of lightning.
"A storm?" I asked.
"I think so." Yuu said and then he stood up. "Ah, Ryuu-san, just continue eating, I'll just check on the dogs."
I just nodded.
I heard the back door opened and the dog started whimpering as if calling for their master.
I finished eating after a while but Yuu-san still hasn't come back. I stood up and peek outside to see what has happened.
It really does seems like a storm. The wind was so strong. All of the dogs were wet. Yuu-san too, was damped. He was trying to cover their house with a tarp but he was having a hard time because of the wind and the big droplets.
Deciding for a second, I step out the house to try and help.
"Ryuu-san! It's okay, go back. The rain is pouring hard." Yuu-san shouted when he saw me.
"I want to help." I just said and took hold of the other end of the tarp.
It was really hard work. The tarp was slippery and the wind kept blowing it away.
About an hour later, we finally manage to secure the tarp. The dogs were soaking wet by then.
Yuu smiled at me then and gestured for the both of us to go inside. I just nodded and followed him in. It was freezing cold, I felt numb.
Immediately he gave me a towel and some spare clothes and asked me to changed at once. I just nodded and then Yuu, carrying many towels inside a plastic went out again to the dogs.
I had to smile at that. They really love their dogs... Makes me miss my Chii.
I went straight to the bathroom and changed. It was really cold. I covered myself with the two towels Yuu gave me and then I went to Hinata's room. There, I added Hinata's futon to cover me. It was really cold.
I think I fell asleep like that.
"Mom...?" Was the first thing I said when I woke up. Someone was fussing over me.
"I'm not your mom, baka." Wait. I knew that voice.
"Jeez, really, rich kids these days. Got a bit rain on them and they'll fall sick." It was a girl.
I then felt something cold placed on my forehead.
I took a peek. It was a bit hard since my eyelids felt so heavy.
Definitely a girl. She was wearing a school uniform.
She took a look at me and sighed.
"Sleep." She said. Hinata's sister... But where's Hinata?
"Sleep, I said." She repeated.
I just nodded and obliged. It was so very easy to sleep.
"You told him about her."
"Not really."
"Yuu told me, he mentioned her."
"I just slipped okay."
"I'm glad you finally opened up."
"It's not that guy's fault you know..."
"He's not the reason... it happened. But he made a lot more difficult for her."
"I know...."
A pause.
"Besides, this guy did the same thing with his girlfriend."
"Well, guys have a tendency to be jerks. Look at me. But you know, sometimes guys don't really mean it..."
"I know... He looked upset when he told me... Seems he didn't want to hurt her or anything... So he's not really a jerk. He's just plain stupid."
"Well, I'll leave him to you."
"Well, what else can you do, really?"
"Just now, you really looked just like... Kanon. Worrying like that..."
I opened up my eyes and saw the ceiling.
But it wasn't my room's ceiling...
Doesn't look like a hotel's ceiling either...
Just then, I remembered everything that happened.
Oh. I was kidnapped.
This is Hinata's ceiling.
And I think I fell sick...
Because of the storm...
And then there's Hinata's neechan...
Where is Hinata, by the way?
But it seems the storm is over... It looks like it's already morning... It's bright outside.
I made to sit up but then there was something heavy by my right arm.
I glanced at it disorganized to see a girl.
After a second I registered, 'Hinata's neechan.'
She stirred, and that somehow woke me up.
"I'm sorry," I said, my voice hoarse. "that you had to take care of me."
She sat up and looked at me. I blinked.
"Are you okay?"
I stared at her.
"Is anything wrong...?" she asked, cautiously.
"Y-you...?" I uttered, very very very confused.
"What??" She said, now starting to get irritated.
"Y-you're a girl??" It was Hinata!
She glared at me. "Well, who told you otherwise you baka! Ugh!"
But before I could say anything more, the door opened and one of his, I mean her brother entered the room.
"We've negotiated with his family. We'll be getting the ransom money tonight."
thanks for reading!