Title: Captured Genre: Angst-y, Crack-ish, Fluff-y, Friendship Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x Kumai Chizuko (for this chap) Author: macymacymacy Rating: G to PG Beta by: gwynfryd AN: -AU and OOC -Ryuu here is 18 years old. -Ryuu's POV
darn EPIC@!!!DFASBABSOIAHIHASHA~~~~~~~ ATE MACY~~~~~~~~!!!!! NEXT CHAPTER PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!! ♥ ohohoho weird is weird~ but weird is love~~~~~~ ohohohhoh~♥ ^^ this ish definitely weird~ and I love weird~ yesh~ incoherent again~♥ MIRMO ISH A DOG ?! ROFLMAO~~~~♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Uwa~~~ I love that Hinata's character...XDD His mood swing is really amazing, ne... LOL How I hope that Ryutaro will fall to him... *whacked* I dunno if you like Shounen-ai, but I am a shounen-ai biased after all.. XDDD I proudly admitt it... XDDD
I feel bad for Chizu tough...:/
And I really puzzled of how come Ryutaro kidnapped and Chizu not??? O__o
And one more, why Hinata cry??? I want to hug him now... XDDD
And the phone is ringing is interupting Ryutaro-Hinata moment.. *pouted*
Comments 9
/breathes~ just the next chapter pleash? ♥
i'm taking it slow cause i'm trying to finish my other fics. /whacked.
sorry for the weirdness but i'm glad you like it. xDDD
thanks for reading!! :3
I like being confused lol XD
I love it<3
thank you! :3
I love that Hinata's character...XDD
His mood swing is really amazing, ne... LOL
How I hope that Ryutaro will fall to him... *whacked*
I dunno if you like Shounen-ai, but I am a shounen-ai biased after all.. XDDD
I proudly admitt it... XDDD
I feel bad for Chizu tough...:/
And I really puzzled of how come Ryutaro kidnapped and Chizu not??? O__o
And one more, why Hinata cry???
I want to hug him now... XDDD
And the phone is ringing is interupting Ryutaro-Hinata moment.. *pouted*
haha. i think i really made him weird...
uhm, i'm not very fond of shounen-ai, sorry.... /whacked
yeah, bad ryuu! >.<
uhmm.. everything will be explained soon. ^^
thanks for reading! :D
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