Title: Captured Genre: Angst-y, Crack-ish, Fluff-y, Friendship Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x FC Author: macymacymacy Rating: G Beta by: gwynfryd (thanks couz ♥) AN: -AU and OOC -Ryuu here is 18 years old. -Ryuu's POV
I never knew that passing through that route would change my life forever. ~ eeeeeeeeh?!? what happened? aaah~~ please update soon Macy-neechan! heeeeeeeeeeeee! :DDDD
but why hindi RyuuNon? D: but I still think it's cute though :DDD ;D
Comments 27
~ eeeeeeeeh?!? what happened? aaah~~ please update soon Macy-neechan! heeeeeeeeeeeee! :DDDD
but why hindi RyuuNon? D: but I still think it's cute though :DDD ;D
ahhh.. i'm nervous... i hope you'll like the rest of the story. lol.
the pairing is still a surprise. :D
thanks for reading!
"I never knew that passing through that route would change my life forever."
KYAA!! im curious about that..
thanks for reading! :DD
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