Personally, I’d vote for Harrison Ford (Air Force One) to be president, solely due to the fact that he’d finish any major international negotiation with a exaggerated fist-fight.
Here’s an idea. What if they had a ‘virtual’ president! Think about it. Does Bush actually have any of the ideas himself? No. He’s just the voice and rubber stamp man of the elected party. So elect the party as normal BUT instead of having a fall guy (the persident) just have a cartoon character. He can appear in meetings etc around the world by webcast - his carbon footprint would be zero. Nobody could actually harm him so the cost of protection wouldn’t bancrupt every country he/she visits (I’ve just realised I’ve been assuming the president is going to be a guy). It all makes perfect sense.
I developed the idea further on the way to work this morning. Instead of global wars and conflicts, we resolve them all by our virtual heads of state having tamagotchi style fights that can be broadcast online.
President Marvin the Martian of the United States has just power flamed Elmer Fudd Supreme Leader of the People’s Republic of North Korea for ten bonus points.
It’s Friday afternoon. Work is overrated. I’m going to start work on the virtual president manifesto.
Comments 4
by Roseberrysdream on Feb 14 08 at 2:23 pm
by julian on Feb 14 08 at 4:38 pm
Feb 15 08 at 8:30 am
President Marvin the Martian of the United States has just power flamed Elmer Fudd Supreme Leader of the People’s Republic of North Korea for ten bonus points.
It’s Friday afternoon. Work is overrated. I’m going to start work on the virtual president manifesto.
by julian on Feb 15 08 at 2:43 pm
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