machka Dec 16, 2011 14:15
nick gibson: ninja hawt ass, tulsa '10: the tag that never ends, neal? not a babysitter!, t-town gangstas, bryan jewett: smarter than you
machka Sep 06, 2011 03:25
nick gibson: ninja hawt ass, pimping like a pimping thing
machka Mar 05, 2011 15:30
fangirling, music is my happy place, mike kelly needs tighter pants, come back to tulsa, nick gibson: ninja hawt ass, everyone needs to have heroes, #dcrml, david fuckin' cook, phil marshall: yorkie gangsta yo, music memeage, green river ordinance, sun of a mockingbird, ryan star: bad-ass mo-fo, skibby, bryan jewett: smarter than you, the script are the new u2, writer's block, neal? not a babysitter!, all hail the midwest kings, anthemic: not really a word, clichéd "little drummer boy" tag
machka Jan 02, 2011 04:40
...when was this again?, dar is my braintwin :), home is where the heart is, music is my happy place, mike kelly needs tighter pants, come back to tulsa, nick gibson: ninja hawt ass, everyone needs to have heroes, phil marshall: yorkie gangsta yo, damn pretty boys!!, road trip!!, music memeage, american idol, sun of a mockingbird, pretty sure i've lost my mind now., green river ordinance, skibby, bryan jewett: smarter than you, tulsa '10: the tag that never ends, williamsburg '10 - a cook in the busch, neal? not a babysitter!, all hail the midwest kings, meme, virgos: we make lists & analyze shit., anthemic: not really a word
machka Dec 28, 2010 19:57
videos, :), home is where the heart is, t-town gangstas, bryan jewett: smarter than you, things i'd ttly do (drunk or sober), come back to tulsa, picspam, nick gibson: ninja hawt ass, *sigh*, tulsa '10: the tag that never ends, neal? not a babysitter!, damn pretty boys!!