Title: Far Away
kismekilmeluvmeBand: Alice Nine/Ayabie
Pairing: Tora/Yumehito
Theme: First Kiss
Rating: PG
Warnings: Kissing *EWWW*
Word Count: 965
Summary: First kisses are supposed to be romantic... right?
Comments: I got the idea while listening to Far Away by Nickelback.
Written for
The rain beat against the roof of the house, drowning out the noise of the running water in the bathroom to everyone but the lone figure standing in the brightly tiled room. The sound of the rain wasn't soothing as it normally was; no, this time it matched the cadence in his own heart.
It was easy to breakdown in the dampening quiet of the bathroom. His tears falling down cheeks that always grew sore from smiling. Cheerful was his middle name, he had to be cheerful, cute, loveable... it was how the whole world saw him. But here, in the solitude of his bathroom, with the water stilling slowly around his body, he was simply Yumehito here, not Yume, or YumYum, or anything else the rest of his band tried to call him.
He hadn't seen him in weeks. They were supposed to be friends. It didn't help that they weren't in the same band, or even signed with the same label. They were supposed to be close though. He hadn't heard anything after getting a text, 'emergency... sorry' That's all it had said, nothing more, and he wasn't responding to any of his messages either! The text had canceled dinner plans, if he didn't know any better he would be positive that Shinji was trying to avoid him, but that couldn't be it... could it?
More tears fell down soft, crumpled cheeks to splash into the water below, causing ripples to form across the serene surface. The hot bath was supposed to be warming, make him feel better, but it only made him remember what he was missing--the warmth of his friend, the soft touches, the hands in his hair, the little kisses that trailed over his hair that Shinji thought he was hiding.
Reaching out, Yumehito turned on the radio; it was set to an American station, but he didn't mind. He let the soft song fill the air, trying to sing along with it though he was failing rather badly with that. At least he could understand the gist of the song. 'Cause I needed, I need to hear you say... That I love you, I have loved you all along... I forgive you, for being away for far too long. They made him cry harder for his own lost love.
Suddenly his cell phone started ringing; it was chirping Shinji's theme song. Gasping, Yumehito dashed at his eyes as if the older man would be able to tell he'd been crying. Shinji could always tell that he was sad or upset with just a few words. Grabbing his cellphone he stepped out of the tub, fearing the worst. "M..mm... moshi?" He stuttered, unable to stop his voice from quivering.
The voice sounded so metallic and far away, not like his Shinji at all. "Yume-kun," it started and if he listened hard enough he could hear the frown in his voice. It only made him want to cry harder. Shinji was gone and he wasn't coming back and there was nothing Yu,ehito could do to bring him back.
"Listen, I'm sorry I haven't been around recently, and haven't been answering your calls. I had a family emergency that took me out of town. My dad... he was run over by a car. I was at the hospital with him most of the time, and just exhausted the rest of the time. I'm really sorry I caused you to worry."
If it was possible Yumehito started crying harder now, probably out of sheer relief though he wasn't out of the woods yet, and he knew it. He sank down to the sopping bath mat he'd been standing on until now. "Is... is he okay?" He whispered into the phone.
"What?" Came the response over the phone, "Listen, you're going to have to speak up, I can't hear you over the rain."
The rain? With his heart swelling with hope Yumehito snuck out into his bedroom, looking out the window at the street. He screamed in joy seeing the lone figure waving at him. Dropping his cellphone it was all he could do to remember to pull on a pair of pants as he raced out of his house barefoot and bare-chested.
"TORA!" He cried as he lept up into the taller man's arms, tears pouring down his face once more, streaking with the rain falling across his shoulders and quickly dampining his hair. "I missed you so much," he whimpered, "Oh god, I've missed you!"
The tall brunette laughed as he hugged Yumehito against his chest. "I missed you too, Yume-kun," he told him, pressing his nose into the other's hair and inhailing the sweet sent that always went with the smaller guitarist.
"Don't leave me like that again okay?" Yumehito asked him softly, pressing his face tightly into Tora's neck, holding onto him, refusing to let go. "I want to know what's wrong when something is, so I can fix it."
Tora smiled at that and tilted Yumehito's face to his own. In a bold move he bent down just a bit, capturing the slightly open, pouty lips of his friend with his own in a startling kiss.
The rain seemed to melt away from both men, even though they were soaked, their hair plastered to their skulls, their clothes clinging to their bodies. It was quite the magical moment for both of them, neither having suspected the other's feelings.
The whole moment was ruined as a wave of water spalshed over them from a passing car. Yumehito coughed and spluttered, as he suddenly felt like a drowned rat and realized just where they were standing: on the side of the road in the middle of a thunderstorm.
"Umm... Shin-chan?" He muttered blushing hard, "This isn't... romantic."