006: How Rider saved Christmas.

Dec 25, 2011 21:55

[action, 914 Bilko]
[Rider enjoyed this holiday quite a bit, though the incidents of the erased were quite unfortunate, he did his best to not let it get him down. There is much to celebrate, especialyl with things all over and everything returned to normal. There's gifs under the tree from Rider for the family. Most of which is booze. And there ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

moemoetentacles December 26 2011, 04:17:19 UTC
[He may not look very much like Santa, what with his beard being the wrong color and driving a chariot being pulled by the wrong type of animal utterly, but it seems the suit alone is enough to fool Squid Girl. She comes excitedly rushing out of her house at the sight of him, eyes all a-sparkle and jumping up and down.]

Santa! It's Santa!

[Hey, she's seen all of the Christmas specials that have been playing on Mayfield's TVs all month long. She knows the score. This is the jolly man with the presents. And she's been such a good little squid this year.]

Did you bring me a present, Santa?


macebronia December 27 2011, 05:01:50 UTC
[He looks through his bag, and sure enough, he did have a gift for Squid girl.

8 Pop cap guns, one for each of her tentacles.]

Haha, Little Kraken! Don't think I would ever forget you.


moemoetentacles December 27 2011, 17:48:00 UTC
Wow! Awesome!

[Squid Girl reaches out with her tentacles, trying the guns out right away. She seems delighted at the loud noises they make.]

Now I'll be unstoppable! Thanks, Santa!

[She jumps up into the chariot next to him and gives him a big hug. Which is really pretty amazing for Squid Girl, since she tends to get really skittish about physical affection.]


jaws5sonofjaws December 26 2011, 05:06:19 UTC
[Action 914 Billows]

[Mart practically tramples his way downstairs on Christmas morning. He may not celebrate it, but presents are presents!]


macebronia December 27 2011, 04:57:42 UTC
[ When Mart arrives, He hands him a few boxes with his name on it. A 6-pack and a box full of vintage comics.]

Hey kid, figured I'd get in the spirit of this holiday and lighten up the mood! Both of these are for you. Think you're gonna like them. I know I would, for sure.


jaws5sonofjaws December 27 2011, 06:40:40 UTC
[Mart shreds through the wrappings, revealing the gifts in all their glory.]

Dude! Awesome!

This is the best Christmas ever!

Wanna share a celebratory brew?


macebronia December 27 2011, 09:48:59 UTC
I'd like nothing better, my boy.

[he cracks open a cold one himself, offering a little toast]

To our good health and the road ahead of us!


answerer_sword December 26 2011, 06:18:29 UTC
[Despite it being Christmas, Bazett is not showing any holiday cheer. Instead, she looks ready to kill someone.]

[Black Mage--yet another one of the few undescribably vile beings that populated this town. He had killed a child, not a drone, but a real child. To make matters worse, she had been trying to save Christmas and he, in what could only be described as a cruel irony, had hung her body from the Christmas tree. She had gotten the information just this morning.]

[So now, she is heading to his house to confront him. She would show him that even in this town, where death was little more than an inconvenience, murders would not go unpunished.]

[Because of her current bad mood, she is more than a little irritate when she sees the large man in the Santa suit blocking the road in an ox-drawn chariot.]

Get out of my way.


macebronia December 27 2011, 09:51:35 UTC
[Rider looks awfully confused. For a time of merriment and joy Bazett's mood stuck out like a sore thumb.]

Oi, what's the rush and what's with the face?


answerer_sword December 28 2011, 07:01:09 UTC
There is a man I must kill.

[In a way, the man's death would make Christmas better for the rest of the town. After all, there would be one less monster around hurt people during this time.]


macebronia January 4 2012, 08:56:58 UTC
It certainly can wait, can't it? The holidays are no time for bloodshed....


imoutosnake December 26 2011, 14:41:12 UTC
[ What do you mean it's not the real Santa, this is totally the real Santa going across town!! So Nadeko gasps a little when she spots him. ]

S-- Santa?!


macebronia December 27 2011, 09:57:22 UTC
[he laughs, though it's not the traditional ho ho ho... more like the usual Rider guffaw]

Gahaha! Just me, getting into the spirit of the season! I thought I looked enough like that big red guy to make this work. Pretty convincing, right? Would not mind beating the guy at his own game. Instead of travelling around the world in a night, I would do it in half that time!


imoutosnake December 27 2011, 14:20:23 UTC
Ah.. [ right, now she recognizes him, and while he's still a little intimidating.. well, she knows he's nice too, so she tries to smile a little. ]

D-do you really think you could beat Santa at something like that? He has a lot of experience, after all..


macebronia December 28 2011, 02:54:10 UTC
Of course I can! I am a king, after all. I'm sure I could do it! as King of Conquerors, it is my duty to conquer all, including records.


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macebronia December 28 2011, 02:57:34 UTC
[ and he'll ride right on over to her, being all friendly and such] Hey there! Merry... um... whatever this holiday is. It's not important.

[ and from his sack, he produces a bottle of beer from one of the few 6 packs he's got in there. He'll toss it over to Aoife]

What is important though, is that it is a time of joy and merriment. So therefore, I will gladly celebrate amongst my people and share a drink or two with them!


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macebronia January 4 2012, 08:57:52 UTC
Well, I've been seeing decorations for this holiday all around the place and I'm never one to not get into the festive spirit!

I make an amazing stand-in for that red Santa guy, don't I?


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