Future Rebirths, Future Flames, and Future Heroes, and Future Dames.

Aug 06, 2008 04:47

Part 1

Aug 6, 2027, Heaven's Tower, New York City, New York, Earth 212626

It was still the tallest damn building in the world. A corporate black spire standing tall over New York City, although barely. Heaven's Tower was the former home to Hecate Daemon--now home to her son, Lugar Daemon.

The tower was not somewhere Arabelle liked to go. Bad memories of a time long past, a fight that nearly killed her and others.

But she needed information.

This is why Lugar ended up finding Arabelle in his office. And only had time to give a startled yell before finding himself being held up by a silver cybernetic arm.

"Put me down, you bloody winged ingrate! I don't care what you had against my mother--I don't do that sort of business, anymore." Lugar struggled against Arabelle's hold.

Arabelle narrowed her eyes, her cybernetic one glinting a bit in the light, "Yeah, well. I need to get into your mother's files. Where are they?"

"--What?" Lugar was shocked and appalled, "Put me down."

And that she did. She dropped him.

Lugar landed ungracefully in the chair underneath him. "As I was saying, Miss Kintotech." He glanced up at Arabelle, irritated, "I don't do that sort of business anymore. And my mother's files were destroyed when you and your little friends dealt with her years ago. Either one of her contingency plans or something, or your little friends have a bit of explaining to do." A beat, "And I still don't know who the new Black Kaiser is," And he added hurriedly, "I'm not a telekinetic." Trying to discredit himself, as well.

Arabelle made a bit of an annoyed scoff sound, "I think you do know, you're just bein' a little shit and avoiding my questions."

"Even if that's true, Ms. Kintotech, you've no proof." The office doors slid open with a woosh, two security guards in body armor stepping into the room with stun rifles. Lugar didn't even need to look to confirm their arrival, "Now, if you'll kindly allow the guards to escort you off the premises, I won't press charges." Again, he implied.

"..I can find my own damn way out." Arabelle shoved her way angrily past the guards and out of the office.

Lugar waited a beat and a half, "Follow her, make sure she leaves the building." The security guards both nodded, and stepped out of the office, the doors wooshing shut behind them.

"Well." A computerized female voice chimed in, "That was rather more unprompted than usual. Perhaps the little Goldenwing is losing her mind?"

"I'm not sure." Lugar, replied, "But it's probably best we keep an eye on her, just the same. Just in case she attempts one of those rash little stunts you warned me about."

"Of course."

arabelle kintotech (armedandwinged), narratives, hecate and kaiser (ordered_mind), technomancer (magicalgadgetry)

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