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Comments 12

[PRIVATE TO REMUS] birdwotcher February 28 2007, 21:52:27 UTC
You have been rather horrid with keeping in touch lately, haven't you? Although I suppose I've been the same way, so I can't really place all the blame on you. I figure one of us owes the other lunch or drinks or something though. It has been a while.

I'll check into it and get back to you, but I doubt they're going to publicly admonish you for bringing a small boy as a second guest. This whole thing reeks of the Ministry trying to look good, so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't put up a fuss. Like I said, I will check into it for you though. That's rather sweet of you for doing that for your packmate.

Have you seen the most recent edition of Witch Weekly, Bachelor #7? It's a rather distinguished look you've got in the photo they use. It'd be much more flattering if you were smiling, but it's still quite good.

* T


Private to 'Dora m4moony March 1 2007, 03:38:23 UTC
Well, I am a Professor now. I'm supposed to look distinguished and learned. And I most certainly am not supposed to be on any silly rag's 'Bachelor's List'. Stuff and nonsense. Confiscated more than a dozen copies of that tripe during yesterday's lessons alone.

'Dora, as woman, perhaps you can answer this question for me -- why do women read that muck?

Thank you for checking on the banquet arrangements for me. You're probably right. But, then again, consider how many of their 'war heroes' will be sitting at that head table adorned in lovely Ministry-approved adornments. Who knows what Rudgier might do?

So, after this debacle is over, why don't we plan on getting together for dinner early next week? I can meet you somewhere as soon as my last lesson is over.

-- RJL


[PRIVATE TO REMUS] birdwotcher March 1 2007, 09:06:53 UTC
Distinguished and learned my arse. That's not what got you on that list, I'll have you know. If that were the case, Severus and Minerva would be on there as well, and that'd be disturbing, to say the least ( ... )


Private to 'Dora m4moony March 2 2007, 06:15:48 UTC
Oh it's not, is it? Perhaps Severus and Minerva should be on the list. Minerva's still in her prime, and Severus is at least as eligible a bachelor as I. I think you've a good suggestion there. Perhaps I shall write Miss Chesilwick with the suggestion.

Good on you for looking out for Ginny like that. I don't know which is more disturbing -- finding myself the subject of such unwarranted attentions, or finding young woman who were my very young students not so long ago the subject of the same attentions!

And, yes, it is dinner. Lunch is too difficult to arrange for a proper catching up between lessons and I know better than to go out drinking with you on a school night. As for my 'legions of fans', I assure you they have bigger fish to fret over than my having dinner with an old friend. Shall we say Tuesday evening?

-- RJL


Private to Remus subtle_simmer March 1 2007, 16:57:40 UTC
Are you certain you are not trying to tell me something with this request, werewolf? Perhaps 'Bachelor Number Seven' is coming to his senses and finds he prefers companionship of the more feminine variety, after all?

However, irritating the Ministry buffoons is always a pleasure. I will gladly escort whatever unfortunate soul draws the shortest straw. I might even make an effort toward good behaviour.



Private to Severus m4moony March 2 2007, 06:26:23 UTC
Thank you, Severus. I have actually given it some thought and I do think you might not be too terribly put off escorting Tomas' sister, Maribelle.

And I happen to have it on good authority that 'Seven' finds that particular brand of feminine companionship utterly without appeal. He much prefers the tall, dark, and brooding variety of a much more masculine variety.



Private to Severus subtle_simmer March 2 2007, 19:56:06 UTC
In other words she is a veritable dragon. Probably a wise choice.

Fortunate for me, then.



Private to Severus m4moony March 3 2007, 04:07:51 UTC
She is not a dragon. Though I would say 'no nonsense' is an apt description. I should warn you, she is fully muggle. her brother was the only wizard in the family -- and then he was turned. She knows a fair amount about our world for a muggle, and hates being coddled.

Rather, I think it's my fotune.

- Remus


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