Fic: The Flashes of Then: Puppy Love (Power Rangers

Jun 25, 2012 22:13

The Flashes of Then: Puppy Love
By: M14Mouse
Summary: Hiro offers his own brand of comfort…puppy dog style
Disclaimer: Don't own them.
Love_bingo prompt: Puppy love

Hiro liked a lot of things.

His humans…shoes…the little toys that squeak…shoes…those funny long things that stick out those big black boxes. His lady human always get upset when he does that. He doesn't quite understand why. They taste very yummy. She should try one.

Sometimes, he thought that his human lady doesn't like him. His other human love him. He would play with him and give him treats. Oh, belly rubs…he like his belly rubbed.

But he doesn't think that his lady human would do anything about it now. She was busying making noises in their white bowl. Just from the smell…He can tell that his human lady is sick.

Being sick is no fun.

His side got all ache when he ate one of those squeaky things. He had to go to the human with the strange needles. He didn't like that place but it did make him feel better. He dropped his squeaky toy next to his lady human.

"Blah…Blah…Hiro," His female human as she lifted her head from the white bowl.

He titled his head then pressed his body against her legs.


She doesn't upset which is good. He didn't want to upset his human. He set his head on her lap. Maybe, he should give her the look. It was the look that got him treats.


He wagged his tail when he felt her fingers got through his fur.

He just sighed in contentment.


Vida liked a lot of things.

She loved her music, her friends, and her husband.

Being sick wasn't one of them.

She hated morning sickness. She cursed Chip and his magical sperm around the world and back. Then forget him when he brought her milkshake. Damn him and his knowledge of her weakness for ice cream.

Her stomach protested with the thought of food.


She sighed as she pressed her forehead against the bowl. Damn it…she hoped that this was over soon. She heard the sound of little feet on the tiles. She didn't need to look up to know who it is.


Chip loved that dog. She never had one. She didn't know how to deal with one. Sure, she visited Chip's house enough to know how to hang out with all of the farm animals. But…Chip…The first thing that he wanted when they moved in was a dog. Somehow or another, a dog magically showed up in their lawn one day. Hiro was a mess of fur and sticks. She did feel sorry for it. No one should just abandon their animals. You got them. You should take care of them.

She felt something wet against her leg. She moved her head to see his squeaky toy next to her.

"Can't play right now, Hiro."

The dog just looked at her then pressed his body against her.

"You know that this isn't winning any goody points, Hiro."

The damn dog had to lay his head on her lap and give her the look.

"That look doesn't work on me, Hiro."

Her hand reached down and stroked his fur. His little tag started wagging back and fore. If the damn dog just didn't sigh and pressed even more against her…damn it, stop being so cute.

She sighed.

If she didn't fall in love with the dog right and then, she would be lying.

She wasn't a lair.

IF she sneaked him an extra treat behind her husband back, he wouldn't know. Nope, he wouldn't.


A/N: Thanks for the wonderful reviews. You guys rock. Read and Review if you wish.

character: chip, flashes of the everyday verse, character: vida, fic, love_bingo, show: power rangers

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