Jul 05, 2010 03:00

Как неожиданно выяснилось на той же выставке (начало рассказа см. в прошлую пятницу), так называемая "исламская мода" тоже может быть красивой…
Конечно, если к ней применить все тот же "креативный микс":

Это - плоды трудов Хасана Хайкал Талиба из Богора, что в пригородах Джакарты:

Ниже - по принципу: "С мира по нитке - бывшей голой не стыдно и в высший свет". То есть, ассорти разных дизайнеров (но не исключено, что сюда попали еще несколько "царских кафтанов"):

Снова "микс" с кружевом:

Лампунгский сонгкет (специально его я вам еще не показывал):

А вот прелюбопытнейший "микс" из мадурского батика:

Окончание темы "креативный микс" - батик по дереву, стекло и дерево, наутилусы и серебро - ждите в среду…

UPD 26.11.10: не прошло и полгода, и то же самое заметил и Рейтер:
By Chandni Vatvani
JAKARTA, Nov 26 (Reuters Life!) - Long known as feminine
and demure, Indonesia's traditional kebaya is headed for a
makeover at the hands of innovative designers.
Growing demand for stylish yet still modest fashions in the
world's most populous Islamic nation is helping power efforts
to bring Islamic fashion into the modern age, a movement
symbolised by changes to the iconic kebaya, a blouse-dress
Fun prints, intricate detailing, colours so bold as to be
psychedelic and a mix of delicate lace all graced the catwalk
at the recent Jakarta Fashion Week. One designer even paired
the kebaya with red-and-yellow striped tights.
"I think it's a good presentation because if you wear
Muslim clothing like this, it's not necessarily boring,"
Jakarta Fashion Week project manager Petty Fatimah told
"You can definitely expect to see more Islamic fashion in
the future and it is for everybody. If you're not a woman who
wears Islamic clothing you can still wear it."
Though Islamic clothing is not mandatory throughout much of
this vast nation, many women struggle with the desire to be
both fashionable but dress in line with Islamic principles that
rule against showing hair or skin.
In a nod to local mores, U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama
donned a headscarf on her visit to Jakarta's Istiqlal mosque
earlier this month. But wearing the headscarf is not mandatory
and regulations concerning clothing are fairly liberal save for
Indonesia's West Aceh district, which is the sole upholder of
sharia -- or Islamic -- law.
Earlier this year, authorities in West Aceh began giving
away long, loose skirts to Acehnese women wearing tight jeans.
Yet despite coming across as "sexy" to some due to its
tight fit and use of see-through materials, the kebaya has
managed to escape censure even from Islamist groups such as the
Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), who criticized the wives of the
president and vice-president last year for not wearing
headscarves prior to the presidential elections.
For those in the industry, allowing the kebaya to be
reinvented paves the way for designers who want to introduce
modern designs into Muslim style clothing.
Themed "Styling Modernity," models in kebaya outfits
launched Jakarta's third Fashion Week earlier this month, with
16 selected designers putting their own spin on the garment.
"If you look at the scene five years ago, women didn't have
choices. But now, it's growing, and we have many designers who
design Muslim wear," said designer Lenny Agustin, who is known
for her eclectic style.
Other collections, with titles such as "Romantic Return,"
"Garden Luxury" and "Catch Your Eyes," featured billowy ankle
length dresses, harem-style pants and tunic suits which still
complied with Islamic clothing norms.
Keeping stylish fashion in line with Islamic norms isn't
just a gesture for traditionalists, Petty Fatimah noted.
"Fashion is a big business and our population is very big.
By focusing on local fashion that would cater to the local
population, it is a big opportunity," she said.
Homemaker Tuttiyah, 55, who wore a long, full-sleeved blue
tunic-style blouse with black three-quarter pants, said she
doesn't feel torn between style and modesty because there are
so many choices available. She wears a headscarf outside her
"Those who prefer the traditional version can still buy and
wear that, whereas those who want to keep up with modern times
can buy and wear the modern ones," she said.
"If you want to look good, if you want to look fashionable,
you have to keep up with modern times and changing trends."

batik, craft, dress, jakarta

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