Which cut shall I ge~et?

Jun 22, 2011 15:46

Cos I'm an indecisive bitch I need you to tell me how I should cut mah hair. That's my stupid face, in case you need reference material

Option A: Back to Min BGGG style (had this one before, looked decent, but I'm hesitant to get the same cut that I already had.
Option B: Something this-ish


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Comments 12

onewhomust June 22 2011, 13:54:52 UTC
Amber hair is cute ;~; But letting your hair grow would be good, too.


lyuna June 22 2011, 13:58:53 UTC
lmao, halfway through I'd probably go like ARGH FUCKING ANNOYING FUCK THIS and chop it back off XD


neitaro June 22 2011, 14:03:18 UTC
I think your current hair is already pretty! Short hair looks good on you because you're tall and skinny (unlike me who's short and stout like a tea pot hehe) but seriously, the current hair is already cute!
Amber hair is too short while the other is quite hard to maintain...


lyuna June 22 2011, 14:05:27 UTC
Ah, my hair isn't like that anymore XD It's hanging all over the place (into my friggin eyes, ARGH), so I really need to cut it. T_T


burger June 22 2011, 15:01:54 UTC
I picked Option A~ Maybe I'm boring cause you already had it before but it looks really cute lmao. But based on that picture of you I think you could pull either one off :D I feel your pain about growing it too -- sometimes I'd love to have really long hair cause you can do so much with it but I know I'd get frustrated with it before it grew long enough ;;;;


lyuna June 22 2011, 15:06:23 UTC
Thank you~~
I had really long hair (like to my waist) until 2008, but I got so annoyed with it, so I chopped it all off in one go >_> idk I feel short hair is so much more comfortable


burger June 22 2011, 15:49:08 UTC
Me too! My hairdresser had known me since I was a toddler so he was really upset when I cut it all off, lmao. But, well I agree, it takes far less time to wash/dry and it's a lot cooler in summer... maybe I should just buy a wig for when I want to have ~long floaty hair~ l m a o


lee_chikin June 22 2011, 15:41:22 UTC
I would have chosen the first cut (I can't see you with the "bombed" Amber cut) but you already had it so NO.
I bring you MORE CHOICES!
I'd see you well with this http://worldhairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/HLIC/56cf75983b0396e6477199f9b16100b7.jpg or this http://worldhairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/HLIC/ca73ac358be6bfc2cda3a3ade0d0e4f5.jpg.
And I love you current hair colour (black with purple/bordeaux/something highlights, right?).


lyuna June 22 2011, 15:47:39 UTC
Make things harder for me, will you ;_;
I love the second one though *o*


lee_chikin June 22 2011, 15:53:59 UTC
DO IT DO IT (chu~♥). XD Or will you edit the poll to insert the new option?


lyuna June 22 2011, 15:54:49 UTC
can I even do that? >_> I thought once it was posted it couldn't be edited


mingsunni June 23 2011, 02:53:00 UTC
Amber hair! Short hair rocks tbh~


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