What could have happened... (I need to get me a Kitty icon. *makes note*)
"What Emma brought you here is what you're doing now."
She stands, ready to fire. Ready to kill, to destroy. And she's an X-Man. She's not supposed to do this, not supposed to want death for someone so badly--even someone who's always screwed her.
The gun is cold in her hands, the weight pulling her wrists down. She knows if she fires, the kick won't be much of a problem.
It's a good gun.
All she has to do is pull the trigger. End a life. Pay back years of pain (that never existed).
But she's an X-Man. When it comes right down to it, the only thing she's ever killed was good BBQ. Preferably wings in hot sauce.
There are voices in her head. Some say do it, some say don't. It's Emma she hears easiest, Emma who says, I'll do it again. Emma who says, Stop me.
It's not Emma who has to pull the trigger.
Kitty was right about the recoil.