random letters

Feb 12, 2006 23:32

Dear Pete Anders,

I'm very sorry that most of fandom seems to dislike you, or, in some cases, hate you. It's even sadder that most of them simply see you as a stepping stone to the true love of Sam/Jack Kara/Lee, and that you're just there to make her see how much she loves Jack Lee.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that you're actually good for Sam Kara, fandom really just wants to fuck Jack Lee themselves, and Sam Kara makes a convenient stand-in. (Although, surprisingly, a few want to fuck Sam Kara, and you aren't pretty enough for them to be).

Sadly, this means that most of the fic written about you will be a treatise about why you and Sam Kara are ultimately doomed to fail.

I'd say there would be fic of the opposite type, but those of us who like you aren't quite so fucking petty.

I will say this, though, you're less demonized than Pete Shanahan ever was. Although, please don't buy Kara a house. That would be just a little presumptuous.


Dear Dee,

I'm very sorry that fandom hates you more than they hated Mary Sue Kerry. Perhaps if you suddenly told Lee he didn't want you and he really wanted Daniel Kara, things might go better for you.

Possibly, they all just think you're Laira and Sara and Kynthia rolled into one. Which, sadly, the three of them together are a hard act to follow.

I suppose you could go have Lee's baby and then Charlie could die because his dad left a fire-arm lying around.

If it helps, the two of you are veryvery pretty together, and kind of hit the kink Wash/Zoe did for me.

Please try not to take the hatred personally, and to remember that sometimes, life sucks.


ETA: Spoilers for Sacrifice contained in comments.

pairing:kara/anders, sff:battlestar galactica (new), wank shared is doubled

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