I blame, um, probably Hels.
What it says on the box. Hand-kissing. It's a courtly art, or just a thing between two people. Or just a kink, for some people. It's sweet, it's sexy, it's silly, it's heart-breaking...
Rules and things like that:
0. This is not just for fic, but also images--like, say you remember that movie, y'know, with those two people and there was that to-die-for scene where she kissed his hand! etc.
1. One prompt per comment. However, any prompt can have as many responses as people wish.
2. No character-bashing.
3. Prompts should look something like: fandom, character (and/or pairing), prompt (I suppose we don't necessarily need a prompt, but if you want, say, "BSG, Kara/Sam, hand-kissing in the middle of a fire-fight" it's probably good to be specific. If you're looking for icons, or an image that you swear should be there, say so.
4. This is multi-fandom, but I'd prefer no incest, please. Or under-age children.
5. Spoilers? I suggest you warn for them if it's within the last month or so. (I don't know. I'm sort of neutral about them, but others are not. Best to white-text it, if there's a spoiler.)
6. All fics/graphics should have a hand being kissed in them. Somewhere.
7. If your fic doesn't fit the 4300 character-limit, please post to your own journal and link back. I loathe the replying to yourself style. It looks so tacky.
8. Please keep all graphics below 400x400, if they're bigger, link us to them.
9. Femslash, het, boyslash and gen all welcome (seriously, friends can kiss each others' hands. Really).
10. Rating? Erm. I suppose one could claim that even hardcore porn has hand-kissing.
If anyone wants to make more banners, feel free to. I went with the only hand-kissing image I have.