crossover ficlet: Doctor Who/Farscape, Amy Pond/Chiana, PG13

Nov 17, 2010 23:00

Written for the femslash_land crossover challenge - no spoilers for either, iirc.
I'd like to thank staringiscaring for the inspiration, belated though it is.
length: probably not even 500 words.

"I've never had an alien before." Amy remarked upon it casually, as one would when the night before was just a bit hazy and one's bed contained a grey-skinned, white-haired, certifiably alien woman.

Chiana lay on her side, eyes half-open. Amy's pronouncement made her grin lazily, "Well, I've never had a human before."

Shifting a little, so she lay on her side as well, Amy realized she was rather enjoying herself, if she discounted the part where she wasn't entirely sure she remembered everything. Then again, it was probably like a good kegger. Although she was fairly certain there'd been explosions, annoyed muttering from the Doctor and some other male, and at least one of Chiana's companions threatening to shoot both men.

Obviously, there'd been a lot of alcohol, if that was all she remembered.

She heaved a sigh and propped her head on her hand, elbow pushing into her pillow. "Should we get up?"

"Depends on how up you want to get," Chiana murmured before sliding closer, fingers brushing down the side of Amy's face. "We could just pull the covers over our heads, let other people get on with things."

"Yes, but what things?" asked Amy, though the idea was terribly appealing. She found herself leaning close enough to kiss Chiana, the movement awakening some of the rather less family-friendly aspects of the night before. "Oh--did you really lend me that?" Scrabbling around under the pillow, Amy unearthed a giant purple thing.

A giggle escaped her.

"Not that we used it for much, we were, occupied," Chiana said cheerfully, her fingers stroking Amy's shoulder. "Perhaps now?"

The delicate suggestion simply made Amy giggle more, and she smothered her face in the pillow for a moment.

It was unfortunate for the both of them (or at least for further explorations into whether the purple thing could be useful) that there was a knock on the door, and a shouted, "Chiana! Amy! Rise and shine, we got trouble!"

Chiana sighed, then raised her voice, "In a minute, Crichton!" She murmured, her mouth brushing along Amy's cheek, "If we don't go, he'll come in here."

"Sure you don't want him to join us?" Amy was a little shocked at the idea, especially since she wasn't sure she remembered who Crichton was, much less what he looked like. Still, her memory suggested he might've been the other one Aeryn had threatened to shoot.

Aeryn. Now there was someone else she'd remembered!

"Very," Chiana wrinkled her nose, kissed Amy perfunctorily and began climbing from the bed. "I just hope all of your clothing made it in here with us."

At some point, Amy was going to have to ask if Chiana remembered all of the details as well.

pairing:femslash, fic:doctor who, fic:farscape, fic: 2010, fic:crossover

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