So. Primeval.

Mar 23, 2010 00:17

I managed to marathon my way through series two (and the last episode of series one) over the weekend. and... I have thoughts.
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sff:primeval, snark, rambling

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Comments 12

scarfman March 23 2010, 05:30:25 UTC

3. There's a reporter in the third series.
It's male.


lyssie March 23 2010, 23:14:16 UTC
That's entirely unsurprising.


stexgirl2000 March 23 2010, 05:33:37 UTC
I started to watch Primeval when it first showed up on BBC America...and I just couldn't get into it. Tried for three episodes and went "eh".


lyssie March 23 2010, 23:15:44 UTC
It's not a very good show (yes, that's opinion), and it IS hard to get into. I only kept watching because the Estranged Wife thing was somewhat compelling, and I liked one of the characters.

Also, I wanted to see how bad it could get.


mfirefly10 March 23 2010, 07:39:07 UTC
I watched the pilot over the XMAS break (along with several other pilots) and nothing in it really held my interest enough to make me want to watch more. And why watch a less-awesome version of Torchwood when I could watch the real thing? With Gwen & Tosh & Lois & Johnson & Suzie and...that show had a lot of awesome women...and some of them actually got to DO things:)


lyssie March 23 2010, 23:17:35 UTC
YEs, THAT. Like, I don't always like Suzie, BUTOMG, at least she doesn't wander around, whining about her husband not going into anomalies with her.

Well, and Torchwood does something crucial with its women: it gives them things to do other than be jealous girlfriends or wives.


cujoy March 23 2010, 11:13:08 UTC
I watched the first couple of seasons back when. I really hated the Claudia/Jenny switcheroo, and I lost interest around the end of season 2 and never did finish season 3.

At some point I seem to recall Abby took over Steven's role as the Hunter. And I always thought that Helen was kind of awesome. But I could be mis-remembering.


lyssie March 23 2010, 23:20:11 UTC
Abby being The Hunter would be AWESOME. I almost want to ahem series three to discover such.

The thing is, removed from the context, Helen IS awesome. Her character could be fun and amoral and interesting. Unfortunately, all she seems to do is talk to and/or about men, and get revenge because Men are Mean to her. (literally, the only conversation she has with either Claudia or Jenny consists of "My Husband. MINE.") :/

(I wouldn't have some Claudia and Helen fic running around in my brain if I didn't like her)


noybusiness March 27 2010, 22:22:24 UTC
There's one episode in Series Three where a medieval knight injures a dinosaur (thinking it's a dragon) and Abby faces him down to save its life.


wishfulaces March 23 2010, 12:18:01 UTC
I really liked Claudia, and I might still be annoyed by the whole Jenny thing. But yeah, pretty much what you said. The show is SO RIDICULOUS and barely even seems to attempt coherent plots, but I used to watch it while doing other stuff because it was good white noise.


lyssie March 23 2010, 23:23:04 UTC
I think my dislike of the Jenny thing is also because I'm fairly certain they went "she's not dressing sexy enough" (Claudia was sort of... businessy/frumpy, in a way that Jenny definitely is NOT). Sigh.

OMG. The plots make no sense. Like, I can halfway figure out that Helen has basically been running the universe since the dawn of time. But the whole Oliver needing Caroline thing is NEVER EVER going to make SENSE. sigh.

Well, and how they all spend eons standing around TALKING during crises. SERIOUSLY, people, GET ON WITH IT.


wishfulaces March 24 2010, 00:06:53 UTC
I'm fairly certain they went "she's not dressing sexy enough" (Claudia was sort of... businessy/frumpy, in a way that Jenny definitely is NOT).

Oh, agreed. Just the way they introduced Jenny--didn't they start down at her stilleto heels and work the camera slowly upward?--indicates what they were aiming for with changing her character. (SO. ANNOYED. I really did like Claudia; she was probably the most human of the characters on the show.)


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