*cracks knuckles* Warning for rantiness and hyperbole

Jun 10, 2009 20:19

First, since I was recently told that I should never be offended by something that wasn't aimed at me, I'd like to say thank you. Really.

Second, IT IS THAT TIME AGAIN. Where I warn you that, shockingly, I am that annoying fangirl feminist type that thinks ruining your squee is fun. Sometimes, I even daydream it (like, frell, I had the whole day ( Read more... )

bitch plz, dee is more awesome than you, sff:battlestar galactica (new)

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Comments 28

frolicndetour June 11 2009, 01:49:18 UTC
Are you telling me I can't be disgusted with Lee for when he was all "just your insecurities, Dee! Ever since the day I proposed! And I can't feel superior to hardcore Lee fans when they go on about how he's so much more moral and upright than Kara and he never really wronged Dee or anyone else, never? BECAUSE I NEED MY FEELINGS OF SUPERIORITY, LYSSIE!

But yeah, I never happened to ship Lee/Dee, but that doesn't mean Dee sucks as a character. (And I do think Lee loved her.) Even if she was in a horrible, retconned Cally/Chief like marriage, that still doesn't make her a horrible character. It just makes her a character who didn't lead a charmed life.


lyssie June 11 2009, 01:53:58 UTC
Nah. Lee was still a dick. But so was Kara. *flees*

(*noms pizza*)

Well, it wasn't even all retcon. There's the horrible fatsuit bit which, just, I ignore, because srsly? Losing all that weight in five minutes? So not on.

*noms pizza s'more and dodges the cat's glares*


frolicndetour June 11 2009, 01:57:29 UTC
Kara was totally a dick, just in a different way. (And one that I happen to find more sympathetic. *hopelessly biased fangirl*)

But yeah, Lee/Dee and Kara/Sam were both supposed to be "sham marriages," so if K/S shippers are bashing Dee on those grounds, um. (And if Dee had been a Cylon instead of Sam, she and Lee would be climbing mountains together, I'll bet anything.)


lyssie June 11 2009, 02:01:07 UTC
*pokes through her icons, trying to find more smirks* (what, this is IMPORTANT, to the chain, here) AH.

Well, yes. For one thing, she is our girl. For another, she's not... as... um... high-minded as Lee.

Not bashing, entirely. Just saying she's weak, which, no. NO.

HEY. No giving away plotbunnies, YOU.


ancarett June 11 2009, 02:29:51 UTC
I loved Dee. I still believe that she rocked something serious but was horrendously under-developed (and there was handwavy crap all over seasons two, three and four that still make me angry). It makes me angry when people slag on her or other characters. WTF, people?

I also think that the characters all screwed things up here and there but who wants perfect people on their show or in their fanfic or whatever? Lee screwed up so many times that I wanted to throw things at him (right into the finale, stupid bonehead). Kara made me throw up my hands and go "WTF, woman!" The list could go on and on. But I don't expect for characters to be perfect. I save that for the inevitable Mary-Sues that creep into fanfiction. *sigh*


lyssie June 11 2009, 03:18:56 UTC
. But I don't expect for characters to be perfect.

THIS. Times a thousand. Even if sometimes I want to hit them, and throw things at them. They should be people first!


miera_c June 11 2009, 03:18:16 UTC
but given that Dee and Sam are in the same position, it applies to both.

remind me: did the two of them ever hook up on the show? Or was it just Sam with Roslin's former assistant who was a cylon whose name I can't remember right now? (You can tell how closely I was paying attention those last couple of seasons, eh?)


lyssie June 11 2009, 03:19:50 UTC
Sadly,no dear god, the wank might have been epic

Sigh. Oh, Tory. Another character horribly under-written and maligned.

*kicks the fandom*


miera_c June 11 2009, 03:33:14 UTC
Sadly,no dear god, the wank might have been epic


And frighteningly, now I'm getting fic ideas. *meep*

Tory! That was it. I will refrain from starting on the topic of Women on BSG because preaching, choir, etc.


scifiaddict86 June 11 2009, 04:05:45 UTC
Wow Judgemental much Lyssie? I don't know what what pisses me off more that you are bashing ME here like this or that you obviously didn't even read my response to your post first before you decided to put this up ( ... )


lyssie June 12 2009, 01:42:17 UTC
I was already planning this post, honestly. You are not the first person on our side of the fence to say Dee was stupid for taking Lee back. You are simply the latest (somewhere back in the dark days of the K/S thread is me yelling at everyone for it and being soundly told "don't like, don't read") and the current catalyst.

You talk about the Kara/Lee shippers reining in their crazies? Well, this is me speaking out against someone bashing a pairing that has nothing to do with Kara/Sam.

1. I read your theories. They're the same ones Kara/Lee shippers give, so I tend to discount them on principle.

2. Lee learned from his father that duty, the people, the big picture, come first. I don't care who he's married to, the woman is going to have to learn to live with that or smack him out of itAnd Lee asked Dee to take him back on her terms after she'd already proved to him she knew he'd been an ass. He knew he'd screwed up, and he apologized. The idea that he'd then go randomly sleep around on her is ridiculous ( ... )


scifiaddict86 June 12 2009, 05:47:19 UTC
1. I seriously doubt anyone on that side was saying Lee was too selfish to love anyone it just not their MO ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

lyssie June 12 2009, 01:43:57 UTC
I see the distinction made by some Kara/Lee shippers and the occasional Kara/Sam shipper. Which boggles my weetinybrains.

I don't knooooow. Maybe they never watched their own parents or something? Romance novels? Soap operas? Bad romance comedies?


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