42 Days in Hell ficletathon

Jul 20, 2008 22:13

So. I know. I know, I know, there's lots and lots of people hosting ficlet battles and -athons. One more is totally going to break the collective fannish creative pool.

This one is a bit different. It's open for 42 days, the same length of time left until aj's roommate is gone for good. I promise I'll try not to bombard everyone with reminder posts for the next month and change, but I will note it's still open on occasion.

For now? Your theme is 42 Days in Hell. Pairings, fandoms, smut, gen, ship, femslash, rpf, all up to you. Except for two limitations: no incest, no boyslash.

This post is for collecting prompts. You have five days. After that, I'll post the list and you can all begin writing.

Prompts should be the fairly standard format (please put crossovers in alphabetical order. Battlestar Galactica before Torchwood, people):
Fandom, character(s) or pairing, prompt
Crossover, Fandom 1/Fandom 2, character(s) or pairing, prompt

Battlestar Galactica, Billy Keikeya, lost in translation
Crossover, Battlestar Galactica/Stargate: Atlantis, Billy Keikeya/Teyla Emmagan, sandalwood

Note: please don't edit your comment to add new prompts, please just make a new comment.

42 days in hell

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